Re: [eigen] Re: Eigen beta test errors

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 Am 05.07.2010 16:14, schrieb Gael Guennebaud:
I still don't understand why it worked on other platforms....
Yesterday I had packetmath_1.exe failing too:

Initializing random number generator with seed 1278275277
Repeating each test 10 times
a[2]: 0.000183165, b[2]: 0.000183105
Test packetmath<float>() failed in "C:\\Develop\\cdash\\src\\test\\packetmath.cpp" (194)
    areApprox(ref, data2, PacketSize)&&  "ei_preduxp"


what is similar to Carlos one:

2010/7/4 Carlos Becker <carlosbecker@xxxxxxxxx>:
I could now reproduce the error in packetmath_1:
a[3]: 0.00128718, b[3]: 0.00128716
Test packetmath<float>() failed in "/home/cjb/eigenThings
     areApprox(ref, data2, PacketSize)&&  "ei_preduxp"
and in svd_1 after some trials:
Test svd(Matrix3f()) failed in "/home/cjb/eigenThings/eigen/test/svd.cpp"
     test_ei_isApprox(a * x, b)
but I still have to get the right values.
The most important error is in product_syrk_1, where I just get a segfault
:S, anyone getting the same behaviour?


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