Re: [eigen] Testing 2.0

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It's mostly the coverage data that takes a lot of space. So don't
hesitate to send reports without coverage data. We have yet to find a
solution to not have to worry anymore about the space taken by
coverage data, Gael might have another server...


2010/2/12 FMDSPAM <fmdspam@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> Am 12.02.2010 13:25, schrieb Benoit Jacob:
>> I'm all for the dashboard, but we have a problem, it's hard to limit
>> how much space it eats, so recently Gael had to nuke it again.
> Is it ok for the developer, that I fill the dashboard (not on a regular
> basis but now an then), with "experimental" test runs?
> Is is of any value at all or nothing but waste of bandwith and storage?
> Cheers, I wish you very fruitfull and motivating meeting.
> Thank you for the great software.
> Frank

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