Re: [eigen] MSVC debug tools

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I am already on holidays - though occasionally reading the list...

I know about these things and they are cool. It's just that you have to be aware of the fact that fiddling with the registry always incurrs some danger. But other than that this is actually a really nice feature. Other classes for which this is nifty since they are bugging are std::tr1::shared_ptr and alike.


p.s.: Just be aware of the fact that the file supplied by Björn is VC9 (Visual Studio 2008) specific! On the other hand-side I dare to say that the changes are really harmless and should not hurt your system...

On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This stuff seems very exciting, but the chief of MSVC debugging stuff
here is Hauke so let's wait for his reply, personnally I don't have
MSVC to try it!

2009/12/18 Björn Piltz <bjornpiltz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> There is an undocumented feature in Visual Studio which let's you
> avoid stepping into certain functions when you're debugging. This
> could be very helpful when debugging Eigen, since you often have to
> step in and out of trivial functions before getting to the real
> functionality.
> e.g. :
>       return ei_assign_selector<Derived,OtherDerived,false>::run(this->derived(),
> other.derived());
> Here you would have to step into derived() twice, before getting into
> the more interesting run().
> The fix consists of adding the following registry key to
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\NativeDE\StepOver
>       Eigen\:\:.*\:\:derived=NoStepInto
> or
>       Eigen\:\:.*Base\<.*\>\:\:.*Base\<.*\>=NoStepInto
> which will disable stepping into any empty constructor like
> MatrixBase::MatrixBase()
> I have attached a registry patch, but it would be great if someone
> could test it before I put it on the wiki. Also post candidates here
> for the most annoying functions to be included.
> You have to rename the file to .reg to use it.
> For reference here is a blog post describing the feature
> Björn

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