Re: [eigen] Eigen and rigid body simulation

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We seem to agree about what is 'in scope' and what is not. I think it would be even more clear if you show us what you expect to add. I don't mean a final patch that would probably require a lot of work, but examples of code and API that you expect to provide in the module. Anything that you can do without spending time on it.

OK, I have already prototyped the classes I have described in my first mail. See the attached files. Rotation3D inherits from Quaternion and add two methods. I think that, if, this code is added to eigen, that Quaternion and Rotation3D may be merged in one class.


Displacement Base

namespace Eigen{

  template<class Derived>
  class DisplacementBase {
    Derived& derived() { return *static_cast<Derived*>(this); }
    const Derived& derived() const { return *static_cast<const Derived*>(this); }

    typedef typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar Scalar;
    typedef Matrix<Scalar, 3, 1> Vector3;

    inline Map<Rotation3D<Scalar> > getRotation3D(){
      return Map<Rotation3D<Scalar> >(this->derived().data());

    inline const Map<Rotation3D<Scalar> > getRotation3D() const{
      return Map<Rotation3D<Scalar> >(this->derived().data());

    inline Map<Vector3> getTranslation(){
      return Map<Vector3>(this->derived().data() + 4);

    inline const Map<Vector3> getTranslation() const {
      return Map<Vector3>(this->derived().data() + 4);

    inline Displacement<Scalar> inverse() const;
    template<class OtherDerived> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Displacement<Scalar> operator* (const DisplacementBase<OtherDerived>& d) const;
    template<class OtherDerived> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Vector3 operator* (const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& d) const;

    inline Twist<Scalar> log(const Scalar precision = Rotation3D<Scalar>::precision()) const;

    template<class OtherDerived> Twist<Scalar> adjoint(const TwistBase<OtherDerived>&) const;
    template<class OtherDerived> Wrench<Scalar> adjointTr(const WrenchBase<OtherDerived>&) const;

    Matrix<Scalar, 6, 6> adjoint() const;
    Matrix<Scalar, 6, 6> adjointInv() const;

    template<class OtherDerived> Twist<Scalar> changeBase(const TwistBase<OtherDerived>&) const;
    template<class OtherDerived> Wrench<Scalar> changeBase(const WrenchBase<OtherDerived>&) const;

    template<class OtherDerived> Twist<Scalar> changeReductionPoint (const TwistBase<OtherDerived>&) const;
    template<class OtherDerived> Wrench<Scalar> changeReductionPoint (const WrenchBase<OtherDerived>&) const;


  template<typename Scalar> class Displacement;

  template<typename _Scalar>
  struct ei_traits<Displacement<_Scalar> >
    typedef _Scalar Scalar;
    typedef Scalar Coefficients[7];
      PacketAccess = Unaligned // check alignement

  template<typename Scalar>
  class Displacement : public DisplacementBase<Displacement<Scalar> >{

    typedef typename ei_traits<Displacement<Scalar> >::Coefficients Coefficients;

    inline Displacement(const Scalar vx, const Scalar vy, const Scalar vz, const Scalar qx, const Scalar qy, const Scalar qz, const Scalar qw)
      Matrix<Scalar, 7, 1>::Map(m_data) << qx, qy, qz, qw, vx, vy, vz;

    template<class RotationDerived, class VectorDerived> inline Displacement(const Rotation3DBase<RotationDerived>& rot, const MatrixBase<VectorDerived>& trans){ 
      Matrix<Scalar, 4, 1>::Map(m_data) = rot.coeffs();
      Matrix<Scalar, 3, 1>::Map(m_data+4) = trans;

    template<class Derived> inline Displacement(const DisplacementBase<Derived>& other) : Displacement(other.coeffs()){}

    inline Displacement(const Scalar* data)
      Matrix<Scalar, 7, 1>::Map(m_data) << Matrix<Scalar, 7, 1>::Map(data);

    EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Displacement(const Displacement& other)
      : Displacement(other.coeffs())

    Coefficients& data(){
      return m_data;

    const Coefficients& data() const {
      return m_data;

    Coefficients m_data;

  typedef Displacement<double> Displacementd;
  typedef Displacement<float> Displacementf;


  template<typename _Scalar, int _PacketAccess>
  struct ei_traits<Map<Displacement<_Scalar>, _PacketAccess> >
    typedef _Scalar Scalar;
    typedef Scalar* Coefficients;
      PacketAccess = Unaligned  // check alignement

  template<typename _Scalar, int PacketAccess> // only unaligned is supported
  class Map<Displacement<_Scalar>, PacketAccess > : public DisplacementBase<Map<Displacement<_Scalar>, PacketAccess> >{
    typedef DisplacementBase<Map<Displacement<_Scalar>, PacketAccess> > Base;

    typedef _Scalar Scalar;
    using Base::operator*;

    typedef _Scalar Scalar;
    typedef typename ei_traits<Map<Displacement<Scalar>, PacketAccess> >::Coefficients Coefficients;

    inline Map<Displacement<_Scalar>, PacketAccess >(const Scalar* data) : m_data(data) {}

    inline Coefficients& data() { return m_data;}
    inline const Coefficients& data() const { return m_data;}

    Coefficients m_data;

  typedef Map<Displacement<double> > DisplacementMapd;
  typedef Map<Displacement<float> > DisplacementMapf;
  typedef Map<Displacement<double>, Aligned> DisplacementMapAlignedd;
  typedef Map<Displacement<float>, Aligned> DisplacementMapAlignedf;

  template<class Derived> inline Displacement<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar > DisplacementBase<Derived>::inverse() const{
    return Displacement<Scalar>(this->getRotation3D().inverse(),      // rot^-1
      -(this->getRotation3D()*this->getTranslation()));               // -rot*trans

  // [ R1   p1 ] * [ R2   p2 ] = [ R1*R2   R1*p2 + p1 ]  
  // [ 0    1  ]   [ 0    1  ]   [   0          1     ]
  template <class Derived>
  template <class OtherDerived>
  EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Displacement<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar> DisplacementBase<Derived>::operator* (const DisplacementBase<OtherDerived>& other) const
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((ei_is_same_type<typename Derived::Scalar, typename OtherDerived::Scalar>::ret),

      return Displacement<Scalar>(this->getRotation3D() * other.getRotation3D(),                              // rot1 * rot2
      this->getRotation3D() * other.getTranslation() + this->getTranslation()); // rot1 * trans2 + trans1

  // [ R1   p1 ] * [ p2 ] = [ R1*p2 + p1 ]  
  template <class Derived>
  template<class OtherDerived> 
  EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE typename DisplacementBase<Derived>::Vector3 DisplacementBase<Derived>::operator*(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& v) const
    return Vector3(this->getRotation()*v + this->getTranslation());

  // Ad_H * T =  [ R          0 ] * [ w ] = [       R*w   ] 
  //             [ ptilde*R   R ]   [ v ]   [ (p^R*w)+R*v ]
  template<class Derived>
  template<class OtherDerived> inline Twist<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar> DisplacementBase<Derived>::adjoint(const TwistBase<OtherDerived>& t) const{

    Vector3 Rw = this->getRotation3D() * t.getAngularVelocity();                       // R*w

    return Twist<Scalar>(AngularVelocity<Scalar>(Rw),
      this->getTranslation().cross(Rw) + this->getRotation3D()*t.getLinearVelocity()); // (p^R*w)+R*v

  // (Ad_H)' * W =  [ R'   -R'*ptilde ] * [ t ] = [  R'*(f^p+t) ] 
  //                [ 0           R'  ]   [ f ]   [      R'*f   ]
  template<class Derived>
  template<class OtherDerived> inline Wrench<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar> DisplacementBase<Derived>::adjointTr(const WrenchBase<OtherDerived>& w) const{

    return Wrench<Scalar>(this->getRotation3D().inverse() * (w.getForce.cross(this->getTranslation) + w.getTorque()),  // R'*(f^p+t)
      this->getRotation3D().inverse() * w.getForce());     // R'*f

  // Ad_H =  [ R          0 ]
  //         [ ptilde*R   R ]
  template<class Derived>
  inline Matrix<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar, 6, 6> DisplacementBase<Derived>::adjoint() const{
    Matrix<Scalar, 6, 6> res;

    res.block<3,3>(0,0) = this->getRotation3D().toRotationMatrix();
    res.block<3,3>(3,3) = res.block<3,3>(0,0);
		res.block<3,3>(3,0) = (Matrix<Scalar,3,3>() << 0, -this->getTranslation()[2], this->getTranslation()[1],  // 0 -z  y
				                                         this->getTranslation()[2], 0, -this->getTranslation()[0],    // z  0 -x 
				                                         -this->getTranslation()[1], this->getTranslation()[0], 0)		//-y  x  0


    return res;

  // ((Ad_H)')^-1 = [ R      ptilde*R ] 
  //                [ 0           R   ]
  template<class Derived>
  Matrix<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar, 6, 6> DisplacementBase<Derived>::adjointInv() const{
    Matrix<Scalar, 6, 6> res;

    res.block<3,3>(0,0) = this->getRotation3D().toRotationMatrix().transpose();
    res.block<3,3>(3,3) = res.block<3,3>(0,0);
		res.block<3,3>(0,3) = -(Matrix<Scalar,3,3>() << 0, -this->getTranslation()[2], this->getTranslation()[1],  // 0 -z  y
				                                         this->getTranslation()[2], 0, -this->getTranslation()[0],    // z  0 -x 
				                                         -this->getTranslation()[1], this->getTranslation()[0], 0)		//-y  x  0


    return res;

  template<class Derived>
  template<class OtherDerived> inline Twist<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar> DisplacementBase<Derived>::changeBase(const TwistBase<OtherDerived>& t) const{ 

    return Twist<Scalar>(this->getRotation3D()* t.getAngularVelocity(),
      this->getRotation3D()* t.getLinearVelocity());

  template<class Derived>
  template<class OtherDerived> inline Wrench<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar> DisplacementBase<Derived>::changeBase(const WrenchBase<OtherDerived>& w) const{

    return Wrench<Scalar>(this->getRotation3D()* w.getTorque(),
      this->getRotation3D()* w.getForce());

  template<class Derived>
  template<class OtherDerived> inline Twist<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar> DisplacementBase<Derived>::changeReductionPoint(const TwistBase<OtherDerived>& t) const{ 

    return Twist<Scalar>(t.getAngularVelocity(),
      t.getLinearVelocity() + t.getAngularVelocity().cross(this->getTranslation()));

  template<class Derived>
  template<class OtherDerived> inline Wrench<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar> DisplacementBase<Derived>::changeReductionPoint(const WrenchBase<OtherDerived>& w) const{

    return Wrench<Scalar>(w.getTorque() + w.getForce().cross(this->getTranslation()),

  // log SE(3) -> se(3)
  // log [ R   p ] = [ wtilde   B*p ]
  //     [ 0   1 ]   [   0       0  ]
  // wtilde = log R
  // B = I - 0.5*wtilde + (2*sin||w||-||w||(1+cos||w||))/(2*||w||^2*sin||w||) * wtilde^2
  template<class Derived> inline Twist<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar> DisplacementBase<Derived>::log(const Scalar precision) const{
    AngularVelocity ang = this->getRotation3D().log(precision);

    const Scalar n2 = ang.squaredNorm();  // ||wtidle||^2
    if(n2 < precision)
      return Twist<Scalar>(ang, this->getTranslation());
      const Scalar n = ei_sqrt(n2); 
      const Scalar sn = ei_sin(n);

      Scalar val = (2.0 * sn - n * (1.0 + ei_cos(n))) / (2.0 *n2 * sn);
      Vector3d lin = -0.5*ang.cross(this->getTranslation());
      lin += (1. - val * n2 ) * this->getTranslation();
      lin += val *>getTranslation()) * ang;

      return Twist<Scalar>(ang, lin);



Rotation3D Base

namespace Eigen{

  template<typename Derived>
  struct ei_traits<Rotation3DBase<Derived> >
    typedef typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar Scalar;
    enum {
      PacketAccess = ei_traits<Derived>::PacketAccess

  template<class Derived>
  class Rotation3DBase : public QuaternionBase<Derived>{
    typedef QuaternionBase<Derived> Base;
    using Base::operator*=;
    using Base::operator*;
    using Base::derived;

    typedef typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar Scalar;
    typedef typename Base::Matrix3 Matrix3;
    typedef typename Base::Vector3 Vector3;

    EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrix3 adjoint(void) const {return this->toRotationMatrix();}
    EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrix3 transposedAdjoint(void) const {return this->toRotationMatrix().transpose();} // check optimisation

    template<class OtherDerived> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Rotation3D<Scalar> operator*(const Rotation3DBase<OtherDerived>& other) const{
      return Rotation3D<Scalar>(this->Base::operator*(other));

    AngularVelocity<Scalar> log(const Scalar precision = precision()) const;
    const Rotation3D<Scalar> inverse(void) const;

    // return v = ad(R)*u -> call v = rot3d*u
    template<class VectorDerived, class VectorOtherDerived> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void applyAdjoint(MatrixBase<VectorDerived>& v, const MatrixBase<VectorOtherDerived>& u) const {
      v = *this * u;

    static Scalar precision();  // [XXX] used precision<Rotation3DBase<Derived> instead ?

    //Vector3 as(Scalar precision = 1.0e-5/*precision<Rotation3DBase<Derived> >()*/) const;


  template<typename Scalar> class Rotation3D;

  template<typename _Scalar>
  struct ei_traits<Rotation3D<_Scalar> > : ei_traits<Quaternion<_Scalar> >{};

  template<typename _Scalar>
  class Rotation3D : public Rotation3DBase<Rotation3D<_Scalar> >{
    typedef Rotation3DBase<Rotation3D<_Scalar> > Base;
    typedef _Scalar Scalar;

    using Base::operator*=;

    typedef typename ei_traits<Rotation3D<Scalar> >::Coefficients Coefficients;
    typedef typename Base::AngleAxisType AngleAxisType;

    /** Default constructor leaving the quaternion uninitialized. */
    inline Rotation3D() {}

    /** Constructs and initializes the quaternion \f$ w+xi+yj+zk \f$ from
    * its four coefficients \a w, \a x, \a y and \a z.
    * \warning Note the order of the arguments: the real \a w coefficient first,
    * while internally the coefficients are stored in the following order:
    * [\c x, \c y, \c z, \c w]
    inline Rotation3D(const Scalar w, const Scalar x, const Scalar y, const Scalar z) : m_coeffs(x, y, z, w){}

    template<class Derived> inline Rotation3D(const Scalar w, const MatrixBase<Derived>& other) : m_coeffs(other[0], other[1], other[2], w){} // check other size

    /** Constructs and initialize a quaternion from the array data
    * This constructor is also used to map an array */
    inline Rotation3D(const Scalar* data) : m_coeffs(data) {}

    /** Copy constructor */
    template<class Derived> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Rotation3D(const Rotation3DBase<Derived>& other) { 

        /** Copy constructor */
    template<class Derived> explicit EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Rotation3D(const QuaternionBase<Derived>& other) { 

    /** Constructs and initializes a quaternion from the angle-axis \a aa */
    explicit inline Rotation3D(const AngleAxisType& aa) { *this = aa; }

    /** Constructs and initializes a quaternion from either:
    *  - a rotation matrix expression,
    *  - a 4D vector expression representing quaternion coefficients.
    template<typename Derived>
    explicit inline Rotation3D(const MatrixBase<Derived>& other) { *this = other; }

    inline Coefficients& coeffs() { return m_coeffs;}
    inline const Coefficients& coeffs() const { return m_coeffs;}

    template<class VectorDerived> 
    static Rotation3D<Scalar> Exp(const MatrixBase<VectorDerived>& expVector, Scalar precision = Base::precision());  

    Coefficients m_coeffs;

  typedef Rotation3D<double> Rotation3Dd;
  typedef Rotation3D<float> Rotation3Df;


  template<typename _Scalar, int _PacketAccess>
  struct ei_traits<Map<Rotation3D<_Scalar>, _PacketAccess> >:
    ei_traits<Map<Quaternion<_Scalar>, _PacketAccess> >{};

  template<typename _Scalar, int PacketAccess>
  class Map<Rotation3D<_Scalar>, PacketAccess >
    : public Rotation3DBase<Map<Rotation3D<_Scalar>, PacketAccess> > 
    typedef Rotation3DBase<Map<Rotation3D<_Scalar>, PacketAccess> > Base;
    typedef _Scalar Scalar;
		typedef Map<Rotation3D<Scalar>, PacketAccess > MapRot;
 		Map<Rotation3D<Scalar>, PacketAccess >();
 		//Map<Rotation3D<Scalar>, PacketAccess >(const Map<Rotation3D<Scalar>, PacketAccess>&);

    typedef Rotation3DBase<Map<Rotation3D<_Scalar>, PacketAccess> > Base;
    using Base::operator*=;

    typedef typename ei_traits<Map<Rotation3D<Scalar>, PacketAccess> >::Coefficients Coefficients;

    inline Map(const Scalar* coeffs) : m_coeffs(coeffs) {}

    inline Coefficients& coeffs() { return m_coeffs;}
    inline const Coefficients& coeffs() const { return m_coeffs;}

    Coefficients m_coeffs;

  typedef Map<Rotation3D<double> > Rotation3DMapd;
  typedef Map<Rotation3D<float> > Rotation3DMapf;
  typedef Map<Rotation3D<double>, Aligned> Rotation3DMapAlignedd;
  typedef Map<Rotation3D<float>, Aligned> Rotation3DMapAlignedf;

  template <class Derived>
  inline const Rotation3D<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar> Rotation3DBase<Derived>::inverse() const
    return Rotation3D<Scalar>(this->w(),-this->x(),-this->y(),-this->z());

  template<class Derived>
  inline typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar Rotation3DBase<Derived>::precision(){
    return ei_sqrt(Eigen::precision<ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar>());

  template<typename Scalar>
  template<class VectorDerived> 
  inline Rotation3D<Scalar> Rotation3D<Scalar>::Exp(const MatrixBase<VectorDerived>& vec, Scalar precision){
    const double n = vec.norm();
    const double w = ei_cos(n * 0.5);

    if (n < precision)
      return Rotation3D<Scalar>(w, vec);
      return Rotation3D<Scalar>(w, ei_sin(n * 0.5) / n * vec);

  template<class Derived>
  inline AngularVelocity<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar> Rotation3DBase<Derived>::log(Scalar precision) const{
    const Scalar n2 = this->vec().squaredNorm();
    const Scalar n = ei_sqrt(n2);

    if (n < precision) 
      return AngularVelocity<Scalar>((2 / this->w()) * this->vec());
      return AngularVelocity<Scalar>(ei_atan2(2 * n * this->w(), this->w() * this->w() - n2) / n * this->vec());



Torque Base

namespace Eigen{
  template<typename Derived>
  struct ei_traits<TorqueBase<Derived> >
    typedef typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar Scalar;
    enum {
      PacketAccess = ei_traits<Derived>::PacketAccess

  template<class Derived>
  class TorqueBase : public Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>{
    typedef Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> Base;

    typedef typename Eigen::ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar Scalar;

    inline int rows() const { return 3; }

    inline int cols() const { return 1; }

    inline Scalar& coeffRef(int row, int col)
      return this->derived().data().coeffRef(row, col);

    inline const Scalar coeff(int row, int col) const
      return this->derived().data().coeff(row, col);

    inline Scalar& coeffRef(int index)
      return this->derived().data().coeffRef(index);

    inline const Scalar coeff(int index) const
      return this->derived().data().coeff(index);


  template<typename _Scalar>
  struct ei_traits<Torque<_Scalar> > : ei_traits<Matrix<_Scalar,3,1> >
    typedef Matrix<_Scalar,3,1> TorqueVectorType;
      PacketAccess = Aligned 

  template<typename _Scalar>
  class Torque : public TorqueBase<Torque<_Scalar> >{
    _EIGEN_GENERIC_PUBLIC_INTERFACE(Torque, TorqueBase<Torque>)

    typedef typename Eigen::ei_traits<Torque<Scalar> >::TorqueVectorType TorqueVectorType;

    inline Torque() : m_data(Eigen::MatrixBase<Torque<Scalar> >::Zero()){}
    inline Torque(const Scalar vx, const Scalar vy, const Scalar vz) : m_data(vx, vy, vz) {}

    template<typename OtherDerived>
    EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Torque(const Eigen::MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other)
      : m_data(other)
      //  _check_template_params(); [XXX] what what ?
      //  _set_noalias(other);

    EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Torque(const Torque& other)

    TorqueVectorType& data(){
      return m_data;

    const TorqueVectorType& data() const {
      return m_data;

    TorqueVectorType m_data;

  typedef Torque<double> Torqued;
  typedef Torque<float> Torquef;


  template<typename _Scalar, int _PacketAccess>
  struct ei_traits<Map<Torque<_Scalar>, _PacketAccess> > : ei_traits<Map<Matrix<_Scalar,3,1>, _PacketAccess> >
    typedef Map<Matrix<_Scalar,3,1>, _PacketAccess > TorqueVectorType;

  template<typename _Scalar, int PacketAccess>
  class Map<Torque<_Scalar>, PacketAccess > : public TorqueBase<Map<Torque<_Scalar>, PacketAccess> > {
    typedef Map<Torque<_Scalar>, PacketAccess > MapTorque;
    _EIGEN_GENERIC_PUBLIC_INTERFACE(MapTorque, TorqueBase<MapTorque>)



    typedef typename ei_traits<Map<Torque<Scalar>, PacketAccess> >::TorqueVectorType TorqueVectorType;

    inline Map(const Map<Torque<Scalar>, PacketAccess>& mt) : m_data({};
    inline Map(const _Scalar* data) : m_data(data) {}

    inline TorqueVectorType& data() { return m_data;}
    inline const TorqueVectorType& data() const { return m_data;}

    TorqueVectorType m_data;

  typedef Map<Torque<double> > TorqueMapd;
  typedef Map<Torque<float> > TorqueMapf;
  typedef Map<Torque<double>, Aligned> TorqueMapAlignedd;
  typedef Map<Torque<float>, Aligned> TorqueMapAlignedf;



#ifndef LGSM_TWIST_H
#define LGSM_TWIST_H

        Twist Base

namespace Eigen{
  template<typename Derived>
  struct ei_traits<TwistBase<Derived> >
    typedef typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar Scalar;
    enum {
      PacketAccess = ei_traits<Derived>::PacketAccess

	template<class Derived>
	class TwistBase : public MatrixBase<Derived>{
    typedef Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> Base;

		typedef typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar Scalar;
		typedef typename ei_traits<Derived>::TwistVectorType TwistVectorType;

		inline Map<AngularVelocity<Scalar> > getAngularVelocity(){
			return Map<AngularVelocity<Scalar> >(this->derived().data().data());

		inline Map<AngularVelocity<Scalar> > getAngularVelocity() const {
			return Map<AngularVelocity<Scalar> >(this->derived().data().data());

	  EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE VectorBlock<TwistVectorType, 3> getLinearVelocity(){
			return this->derived().data().template start<3>();

	  EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE VectorBlock<TwistVectorType, 3> getLinearVelocity() const{
			return this->derived().data().template start<3>();

		inline int rows() const { return 6; }

		inline int cols() const { return 1; }

		inline Scalar& coeffRef(int row, int col)
			return this->derived().data().coeffRef(row, col);

		inline const Scalar coeff(int row, int col) const
			return this->derived().data().coeff(row, col);

		inline Scalar& coeffRef(int index)
			return this->derived().data().coeffRef(index);

		inline const Scalar coeff(int index) const
			return this->derived().data().coeff(index);


  template<typename _Scalar>
  struct ei_traits<Twist<_Scalar> > : ei_traits<Matrix<_Scalar,6,1> >
    typedef Matrix<_Scalar,6,1> TwistVectorType;
      PacketAccess = Aligned 

	template<typename _Scalar>
	class Twist : public TwistBase<Twist<_Scalar> >{

    #if !(defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER))
    EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Twist& operator=(const Twist& other)
      // the 'false' below means to enforce lazy evaluation. We don't use lazyAssign() because
      // it wouldn't allow to copy a row-vector into a column-vector. (Matrix l.664) 
      return ei_assign_selector<Twist,Twist,false>::run(*this, other.derived());

    using Base::operator=;
    using Base::operator*=;
    using Base::operator/=;
    using Base::operator+=;
    using Base::operator-=;
		typedef typename ei_traits<Twist<Scalar> >::TwistVectorType TwistVectorType;

    inline Twist() : m_data(Eigen::MatrixBase<Twist<Scalar> >::Zero()){}
		inline Twist(const Scalar vx, const Scalar vy, const Scalar vz, const Scalar wx, const Scalar wy, const Scalar wz)
			{ m_data << vx, vy, vz, wx, wy, wz;}

		template<class LinDerived, class AngDerived> inline Twist(const AngularVelocityBase<AngDerived>& a, const MatrixBase<LinDerived>& l)
			this->getLinearVelocity() = l;
			this->getAngularVelocity() = a;

    template<typename OtherDerived>
    EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Twist(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other)
      : m_data(other)
      //  _check_template_params(); [XXX] what what ?
      //  _set_noalias(other);

    EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Twist(const Twist& other)
      : m_data(other)

    TwistVectorType& data(){
      return m_data;

		const TwistVectorType& data() const {
			return m_data;

		TwistVectorType m_data;

	typedef Twist<double> Twistd;
	typedef Twist<float> Twistf;


  template<typename _Scalar, int _PacketAccess>
  struct ei_traits<Map<Twist<_Scalar>, _PacketAccess> > : ei_traits<Map<Matrix<_Scalar,6,1>, _PacketAccess> >
    typedef Map<Matrix<_Scalar,6,1>, _PacketAccess > TwistVectorType;

  template<typename _Scalar, int PacketAccess>
  class Map<Twist<_Scalar>, PacketAccess > : public TwistBase<Map<Twist<_Scalar>, PacketAccess> > {
    typedef Map<Twist<_Scalar>, PacketAccess > MapTwist;
    _EIGEN_GENERIC_PUBLIC_INTERFACE(MapTwist, TwistBase<MapTwist>)

    typedef typename ei_traits<Map<Twist<Scalar>, PacketAccess> >::TwistVectorType TwistVectorType;

    inline Map<Twist<_Scalar>, PacketAccess >(const _Scalar* data) : m_data(data) {}

    inline TwistVectorType& data() { return m_data;}
    inline const TwistVectorType& data() const { return m_data;}

    TwistVectorType m_data;

	typedef Map<Twist<double> > TwistMapd;
	typedef Map<Twist<float> > TwistMapf;
	typedef Map<Twist<double>, Aligned> TwistMapAlignedd;
	typedef Map<Twist<float>, Aligned> TwistMapAlignedf;



Wrench Base

namespace Eigen{
  template<typename Derived>
  struct ei_traits<WrenchBase<Derived> >
    typedef typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar Scalar;
    enum {
      PacketAccess = ei_traits<Derived>::PacketAccess

  template<class Derived>
  class WrenchBase : public MatrixBase<Derived>{
    typedef Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> Base;

    typedef typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar Scalar;
    typedef typename ei_traits<Derived>::WrenchVectorType WrenchVectorType;

    EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Map<Torque<Scalar> > getTorque(){
      return Map<Torque<Scalar> >(this->derived().data().data());
    EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Map<Torque<Scalar> > getTorque() const {
      return Map<Torque<Scalar> >(this->derived().data().data());

	  EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE VectorBlock<WrenchVectorType, 3> getForce(){
			return this->derived().data().template start<3>();

	  EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE VectorBlock<WrenchVectorType, 3> getForce() const{
			return this->derived().data().template start<3>();

    inline int rows() const { return 6; }

    inline int cols() const { return 1; }

    inline Scalar& coeffRef(int row, int col)
      return this->derived().data().coeffRef(row, col);

    inline const Scalar coeff(int row, int col) const
      return this->derived().data().coeff(row, col);

    inline Scalar& coeffRef(int index)
      return this->derived().data().coeffRef(index);

    inline const Scalar coeff(int index) const
      return this->derived().data().coeff(index);


  template<typename _Scalar>
  struct ei_traits<Wrench<_Scalar> > : ei_traits<Matrix<_Scalar,6,1> >
    typedef Matrix<_Scalar,6,1> WrenchVectorType;
      PacketAccess = Aligned 

  template<typename _Scalar>
  class Wrench : public WrenchBase<Wrench<_Scalar> >{
    _EIGEN_GENERIC_PUBLIC_INTERFACE(Wrench, WrenchBase<Wrench>)

    #if !(defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER))
    EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Wrench& operator=(const Wrench& other)
      // the 'false' below means to enforce lazy evaluation. We don't use lazyAssign() because
      // it wouldn't allow to copy a row-vector into a column-vector. (Matrix l.664) 
      return ei_assign_selector<Wrench,Wrench,false>::run(*this, other.derived());

    using Base::operator=;
    using Base::operator*=;
    using Base::operator/=;
    using Base::operator+=;
    using Base::operator-=;



    typedef typename ei_traits<Wrench<Scalar> >::WrenchVectorType WrenchVectorType;

    inline Wrench() : m_data(Eigen::MatrixBase<Wrench<Scalar> >::Zero()){}
    inline Wrench(const Scalar fx, const Scalar fy, const Scalar fz, const Scalar tx, const Scalar ty, const Scalar tz)
    { m_data << tx, ty, tz, fx, fy, fz;}

    template<class ForDerived, class TorDerived> inline Wrench(const MatrixBase<ForDerived>& f, const TorqueBase<TorDerived>& t)
      this->getTorque() = t;
      this->getForce() = f;

    template<typename OtherDerived>
    EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Wrench(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other)
      : m_data(other)
      // check parameter

    EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Wrench(const Wrench& other)
      : m_data(other)

    WrenchVectorType& data(){
      return m_data;

    const WrenchVectorType& data() const {
      return m_data;

    WrenchVectorType m_data;

  typedef Wrench<double> Wrenchd;
  typedef Wrench<float> Wrenchf;


  template<typename _Scalar, int _PacketAccess>
  struct ei_traits<Map<Wrench<_Scalar>, _PacketAccess> > : ei_traits<Map<Matrix<_Scalar,6,1>, _PacketAccess> >
    typedef Map<Matrix<_Scalar,6,1>, _PacketAccess > WrenchVectorType;

  template<typename _Scalar, int PacketAccess>
  class Map<Wrench<_Scalar>, PacketAccess > : public WrenchBase<Map<Wrench<_Scalar>, PacketAccess> > {
    typedef Map<Wrench<_Scalar>, PacketAccess > MapWrench;
    _EIGEN_GENERIC_PUBLIC_INTERFACE(MapWrench, WrenchBase<MapWrench>)


    typedef typename ei_traits<Map<Wrench<Scalar>, PacketAccess> >::WrenchVectorType WrenchVectorType;

    inline Map(const Map<Wrench<Scalar>, PacketAccess>& mw) : m_data({};
    inline Map(const _Scalar* data) : m_data(data) {}

    inline WrenchVectorType& data() { return m_data;}
    inline const WrenchVectorType& data() const { return m_data;}

    WrenchVectorType m_data;

  typedef Map<Wrench<double> > WrenchMapd;
  typedef Map<Wrench<float> > WrenchMapf;
  typedef Map<Wrench<double>, Aligned> WrenchMapAlignedd;
  typedef Map<Wrench<float>, Aligned> WrenchMapAlignedf;



        AngularVelocity Base

namespace Eigen{
  template<typename Derived>
  struct ei_traits<AngularVelocityBase<Derived> >
    typedef typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar Scalar;
    enum {
      PacketAccess = ei_traits<Derived>::PacketAccess

	template<class Derived>
	class AngularVelocityBase : public MatrixBase<Derived>{
		typedef MatrixBase<Derived> Base;

		typedef typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar Scalar;

		inline int rows() const { return 3; }

		inline int cols() const { return 1; }

		inline Scalar& coeffRef(int row, int col)
			return this->derived().data().coeffRef(row, col);

		inline const Scalar coeff(int row, int col) const
			return this->derived().data().coeff(row, col);

		inline Scalar& coeffRef(int index)
			return this->derived().data().coeffRef(index);

		inline const Scalar coeff(int index) const
			return this->derived().data().coeff(index);

		template<class OtherDerived> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE AngularVelocity<Scalar> bracket(const AngularVelocityBase<OtherDerived>& ang) const {
			return this->cross(ang);

		// applyAdjoint or adjoint ??
		template<class OtherDerived> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const AngularVelocity<Scalar> adjoint(const AngularVelocityBase<OtherDerived>& ang) const {
			return this->bracket(ang);

		template<class OtherDerived> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Torque<Scalar> coadjoint(const TorqueBase<OtherDerived>& t) const {
			return Torque<Scalar>(-this->cross(t));

		const EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrix<Scalar, 3, 3> adjoint() const;
		const EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrix<Scalar, 3, 3> coadjoint() const{
			return -this->adjoint();

  template<typename _Scalar>
  struct ei_traits<AngularVelocity<_Scalar> > : ei_traits<Matrix<_Scalar,3,1> >
    typedef Matrix<_Scalar,3,1> AngVelVectorType;
      PacketAccess = Aligned 

	template<typename _Scalar>
	class AngularVelocity : public AngularVelocityBase<AngularVelocity<_Scalar> >{
		_EIGEN_GENERIC_PUBLIC_INTERFACE(AngularVelocity, AngularVelocityBase<AngularVelocity>)

		typedef typename ei_traits<AngularVelocity<Scalar> >::AngVelVectorType AngVelVectorType;
		inline AngularVelocity() : m_data(MatrixBase<AngularVelocity<Scalar> >::Zero()){}
		inline AngularVelocity(const Scalar vx, const Scalar vy, const Scalar vz) : m_data(vx, vy, vz){}

		template<typename OtherDerived>
		EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE AngularVelocity(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other)
		//  _check_template_params(); [XXX] ?
		//  _set_noalias(other);

    EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE AngularVelocity(const AngularVelocity& other)

		AngVelVectorType& data(){
			return m_data;
		const AngVelVectorType& data() const {
			return m_data;

		AngVelVectorType m_data;

	typedef AngularVelocity<double> AngularVelocityd;
	typedef AngularVelocity<float> AngularVelocityf;


  template<typename _Scalar, int _PacketAccess>
  struct ei_traits<Map<AngularVelocity<_Scalar>, _PacketAccess> > : ei_traits<Map<Matrix<_Scalar,3,1>, _PacketAccess> >
    typedef Map<Matrix<_Scalar,3,1>, _PacketAccess > AngVelVectorType;

  template<typename _Scalar, int PacketAccess>
  class Map<AngularVelocity<_Scalar>, PacketAccess > : public AngularVelocityBase<Map<AngularVelocity<_Scalar>, PacketAccess> > {
    typedef Map<AngularVelocity<_Scalar>, PacketAccess > MapAngVel;
    _EIGEN_GENERIC_PUBLIC_INTERFACE(MapAngVel, AngularVelocityBase<MapAngVel>)


    typedef typename ei_traits<Map<AngularVelocity<Scalar>, PacketAccess> >::AngVelVectorType AngVelVectorType;

    inline Map(const Map<AngularVelocity<Scalar>, PacketAccess>& mt) : m_data({};
    inline Map<AngularVelocity<_Scalar>, PacketAccess >(const _Scalar* data) : m_data(data) {}

    inline AngVelVectorType& data() { return m_data;}
    inline const AngVelVectorType& data() const { return m_data;}

    AngVelVectorType m_data;

	typedef Map<AngularVelocity<double> > AngularVelocityMapd;
	typedef Map<AngularVelocity<float> > AngularVelocityMapf;
	typedef Map<AngularVelocity<double>, Aligned> AngularVelocityMapAlignedd;
	typedef Map<AngularVelocity<float>, Aligned> AngularVelocityMapAlignedf;

	template<class Derived>
	EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Matrix<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar, 3, 3> AngularVelocityBase<Derived>::adjoint() const{
		Matrix<Scalar, 3, 3> m;
		m << 0, -this->coeff(2), this->coeff(1),		// 0 -z  y
				 this->coeff(2), 0, -this->coeff(0),    // z  0 -x 
				 -this->coeff(1), this->coeff(0);		//-y  x  0

		return m;


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