Re: [eigen] Embedding Eigen in a software

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Hi Ronan,
Ronan Trépos a écrit :
A great number of our users are working on Windows plateform.
So a windows installer is required. I saw that CMake was used to install the eigen library and I was wondering if a
FindEigen file was developped in order to link any CMake application to Eigen. And more generally, does a
a "classical" process exist to embed Eigen into softwares ? Did you already have any other experiences of this kind ?
We are using Eigen in a software distributed on both Windows PC and Mac OS X computers.
We use only the header files, and it just works. This ease of deployment was a key argument for us to use Eigen. You need to do more only if you want to use an alternate back end (such as LAPACK) instead of the built in one.
We use Eigen for solving the eigen-values problem.

Hope this helps,
Robert Bocquier

4 chemin de Malacher
38240 Meylan - France
Tel: +33 438 020 555
Fax: +33 438 020 525

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