[CBLX] YouTube_to_MP3 Was: script wYTv - wget YT videos

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Didier, je mets pour toi et les autres le script youtube_to_mp3 en pj,
il utilise youtube-dl dont je mets le bin dans ~/bin
mais on peut modifier dans la config;
mon but etait de voir si le binaire de yt-dl.org fonctionne plus que celui
du pack installé sous pip de Ubuntu.

(j'ai une version qui fais la maj et une qui le fais pas intempestivement).


# YouTube_to_MP3-script  -  orig. by L. Berger  -  modified ver. by O. La Rosa  
# 2020.04.17 


## Inst. dir + YT base-URL + YT-DL binary name var 
## Go ! 
echo "YouTube_to_MP3-script ! "

#echo "Positional parameters"
#echo '$0 = ' $0
#echo '$1 = ' $1

## Output 
mkdir -p $OUTPUT
echo "   
   Binary name  &  destination is :    $InstRepo$YTDLName 
   YouTube download repository is :    $OUTPUT " 
echo "   YT base URL (to download from) is : $YTBURL" 

## Date  
NOWSHORT=`date +%Y%m%d`
#NOWSHORT=`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`
#NOWSHORT=`date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'`
#NOWSHORT=`date '+%Y%m%d.%H%M%S'`
echo "   Today : $NOWSHORT " 
echo " " 

## Download a full mix play list  
## How to download YouTube playlist in Linux   
## http://xmodulo.com/how-to-download-youtube-playlist-in-linux.html

## YT-DL(.org) bin installation 
#sudo curl -L https://yt-dl.org/latest/youtube-dl -o $InstRepo$YTDLName
#curl -L https://yt-dl.org/latest/youtube-dl -o $InstRepo$YTDLName
#sudo chmod a+rx $InstRepo$YTDLName 
#chmod a+rx $InstRepo$YTDLName 
ls -l $InstRepo$YTDLName

echo " " 
#read -p "Press a key to continue  ... " 

## Updating ... 
#$InstRepo$YTDLName -U 

echo " " 
#read -p "Press a key to continue  ... " 

## Added --exec touch in place !!
## https://superuser.com/questions/731227/how-to-extract-the-filename-without-the-extension-from-a-full-path

# help ==================
if [ -z $1 ]; then
   echo "Version `$YTDLName --version`"
#	echo "Usage : $(basename $0) youtube_full_address (keep)"
	echo "Usage : $(basename $0) youtube ID (11 chars) (keep)"
	echo "   If 'keep' is specified, it will keep a copy of the orig. files"
#	echo "Example:  youtube_to_mp3  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFMnG4cSVJM";
#	echo "Example:  youtube_to_mp3  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFMnG4cSVJM  keep"
	echo "Example:  youtube_to_mp3  cFMnG4cSVJM"
	echo "Example:  youtube_to_mp3  cFMnG4cSVJM  keep"
   echo " " 
	exit 1
# help ==================

echo "
echo "Date is : $NOWSHORT" 
echo "Making dir $NOWSHORT (if not exist) to store new files ..." 
#echo "--- $OUTPUT/$NOWSHORT ---"
echo "--- URL $YTBURL$1 @ $OUTPUT/$NOWSHORT ---"

echo " " 
#read -p "Press a key to continue  ... " 

echo "YouTube_to_MP3-script !

echo Downloading
echo and converting to 
echo "(Please note, file's date is NOT today : Search by file name.) "
echo ....... Busy ....... 
echo    $FILENAME

echo " "
#read -p "Press a key to continue  ... " 

## --audio-quality QUALITY          Specify ffmpeg/avconv audio quality, 
## Insert a value between 0 (better) and 9

if [ "$2" == "keep" ]; then
	echo "Will keep source video ´$1´"
#    	$InstRepo$YTDLName --exec touch {} -i -x -k --audio-quality 0 --audio-format mp3 $1
#    	$InstRepo$YTDLName --exec touch {} -i -x -k --audio-quality 0 --audio-format mp3 $YTBURL$1
    	$InstRepo$YTDLName --exec touch {} -i -x -k --no-check-certificate --audio-quality 0 --audio-format mp3 $YTBURL$1
#	$YTDLName --exec touch {} -i -x --audio-quality 0 --audio-format mp3 $1
#	$YTDLName --exec touch {} -i -x --audio-quality 0 --audio-format mp3 $YTBURL$1
	$YTDLName --exec touch {} -i -x --no-check-certificate --audio-quality 0 --audio-format mp3 $YTBURL$1

echo "
#touch $FILENAME".mp3"
ls -lrt

echo " " 
read -p "Press a key to continue / CTRL+C to quit now without reupdating youtube-dl ... " 

echo "--- Updating youtube-dl (yt-dl) : Please type root / sudo pwd (if required) ---"
#sudo YTDLName --update
$InstRepo$YTDLName --update
echo "--- End updating youtube-dl ($InstRepo$YTDLName) ---"

echo "------  Done youtube_to_mp3  -----------------------------------------"
echo " "

## End of script !  
# YouTube_to_MP3-script  -  orig. by L. Berger  -  modified ver. by O. La Rosa  
# 2020.04.17 


## Inst. dir + YT base-URL + YT-DL binary name var 
## Go ! 
echo "YouTube_to_MP3-script ! "

#echo "Positional parameters"
#echo '$0 = ' $0
#echo '$1 = ' $1

## Output 
mkdir -p $OUTPUT
echo "   
   Binary name  &  destination is :    $InstRepo$YTDLName 
   YouTube download repository is :    $OUTPUT " 
echo "   YT base URL (to download from) is : $YTBURL" 

## Date  
#NOWSHORT=`date +%Y%m%d`
#NOWSHORT=`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`
#NOWSHORT=`date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'`
NOWSHORT=`date '+%Y%m%d.%H%M%S'`
echo "   Today : $NOWSHORT " 
echo " " 

## Download a full mix play list  
## How to download YouTube playlist in Linux   
## http://xmodulo.com/how-to-download-youtube-playlist-in-linux.html

## YT-DL(.org) bin installation 
#sudo curl -L https://yt-dl.org/latest/youtube-dl -o $InstRepo$YTDLName
#curl -L https://yt-dl.org/latest/youtube-dl -o $InstRepo$YTDLName
#sudo chmod a+rx $InstRepo$YTDLName 
#chmod a+rx $InstRepo$YTDLName 
ls -l $InstRepo$YTDLName

echo " " 
#read -p "Press a key to continue  ... " 

## Updating ... 
#$InstRepo$YTDLName -U 

echo " " 
#read -p "Press a key to continue  ... " 

## Added --exec touch in place !!
## https://superuser.com/questions/731227/how-to-extract-the-filename-without-the-extension-from-a-full-path

# help ==================
if [ -z $1 ]; then
   echo "Version `$YTDLName --version`"
#	echo "Usage : $(basename $0) youtube_full_address (keep)"
	echo "Usage : $(basename $0) youtube ID (11 chars) (keep)"
	echo "   If 'keep' is specified, it will keep a copy of the orig. files"
#	echo "Example:  youtube_to_mp3  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFMnG4cSVJM";
#	echo "Example:  youtube_to_mp3  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFMnG4cSVJM  keep"
	echo "Example:  youtube_to_mp3  cFMnG4cSVJM"
	echo "Example:  youtube_to_mp3  cFMnG4cSVJM  keep"
   echo " " 
	exit 1
# help ==================

echo "
echo "Date is : $NOWSHORT" 
echo "Making dir $NOWSHORT (if not exist) to store new files ..." 
#echo "--- $OUTPUT/$NOWSHORT ---"
echo "--- URL $YTBURL$1 @ $OUTPUT/$NOWSHORT ---"

echo " " 
#read -p "Press a key to continue  ... " 

echo "YouTube_to_MP3-script !

echo Downloading
echo and converting to 
echo "(Please note, file's date is NOT today : Search by file name.) "
echo ....... Busy ....... 
echo    $FILENAME

echo " "
#read -p "Press a key to continue  ... " 

## --audio-quality QUALITY          Specify ffmpeg/avconv audio quality, 
## Insert a value between 0 (better) and 9

if [ "$2" == "keep" ]; then
	echo "Will keep source video ´$1´"
#    	$InstRepo$YTDLName --exec touch {} -i -x -k --audio-quality 0 --audio-format mp3 $1
#    	$InstRepo$YTDLName --exec touch {} -i -x -k --audio-quality 0 --audio-format mp3 $YTBURL$1
    	$InstRepo$YTDLName --exec touch {} -i -x -k --no-check-certificate --audio-quality 0 --audio-format mp3 $YTBURL$1
#	$YTDLName --exec touch {} -i -x --audio-quality 0 --audio-format mp3 $1
#	$YTDLName --exec touch {} -i -x --audio-quality 0 --audio-format mp3 $YTBURL$1
	$YTDLName --exec touch {} -i -x --no-check-certificate --audio-quality 0 --audio-format mp3 $YTBURL$1

echo "
#touch $FILENAME".mp3"
ls -lrt

echo " " 
read -p "Press a key to continue / CTRL+C to quit now without reupdating youtube-dl ... " 

echo "--- Updating youtube-dl (yt-dl) : Please type root / sudo pwd (if required) ---"
#sudo YTDLName --update
$InstRepo$YTDLName --update
echo "--- End updating youtube-dl ($InstRepo$YTDLName) ---"

echo "------  Done youtube_to_mp3  -----------------------------------------"
echo " "

## End of script !  

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