[CBLX] script wYTv - wget YT videos

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continuant à avoir des soucis avec mes téléchargeurs youtube-dl, y compris
avec le bin de yt-dl.org/latest,
je me suis penché sur une toute autre piste, où le but est d'utiliser wget
pour repécher le clip YT.

Mais ça coince et je voudrais que les vrais BASHeliers jettent un petit coup
d'oeil, en espérant que le How-To lui-même ne soit périmé.

Pour info, je me suis basé sur linux.byexamples.com/

Par avance merci,



(script en pj)
# wYTv  -  wget YouTube videos 

# var: 
YTURL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v="; # YT base-ref. 
YT="yt" # YT ID & other ref-file(s) 
YTGET="http://www.youtube.com/get_video.php?"; # get video URL 

# Go ! 

echo "wYTv - wget YouTube videos ! 

	Usage:  wytv YouTube-ID  'ENTER'  (11 chars)  

read -p "CTRL+C  or  SPACEBAR  to quit ... " 
test -z "$1" && echo "   Example:  wytv 05hHqxyznXQ  'ENTER' " && exit 

echo " 

.... Downloading $YTURL$1  to  `pwd`$YT ... 


wget -O $YT $YTURL$1
ls -lrt $YT* 

echo " 
.... Extracting  fullscreen  and  ID  string from $YT ... 

cp -p $YT $YT.$1 # safety copy 
grep -i fullscreen $YT >$YT.fs # fullscreen string 
grep -i "video_id=" $YT >$YT.vid # video_id string 
grep -i "id=" $YT >$YT.id # id= string 
ls -lart $YT* 

echo " 
.... Appending video ID string to $YTGET ...
wget -c -O $YT.$1.mp4 "$YTGET$YT.vid"

echo " 
	Done ! 
ls -lrt 

   #[1]Linux By Examples Search [2]Linux by Examples RSS Feed [3]Linux by
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[8][favicon.ico] how to wget flv from youtube

   August 1st, 2007 mysurface Posted in [9]Network, [10]wget | Hits:
   170301 | [11]118 Comments »

   To strip flv from youtube links, you have to complete two steps.
   Firstly extract the encrypted string from a youtube link, next append
   to get_video.php and download through wget.

   The youtube links, that people distribute around will looks something
   like below

   Step one, download it and extract the encrypted strings using grep.
wget -O test http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6fnR--IDKc

   -O is to force the output filename as specified. The case above, output
   filename will be ‘test’.

   To extract the encrypted string, use grep
grep "player2.swf" test

   Updates! Due to the changes of youtube, the grep shown above was no
   longer working, grep “fullscreen” instead, read the [12]comment for
   more details.

   The encrypted string will be in between player2.swf? and “

   Step two, append the string to http://www.youtube.com/get_video.php?
   and start download.
wget -O test.flv "http://www.youtube.com/get_video.php?hl=en&video_id=B6fnR--IDK

   Too much manual works?
   You can write a bash script to ease your download, turn all manual
   steps into one simple step. Let say the script is know as dltube.sh,
   you just need to execute this:
dltube.sh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6fnR--IDKc

   You will get the output filename as the_title_of_the_youtube.flv.

   There are some hints , in case you are interested on creating this bash

   1. The title of the flv, you can grep it from ‘test’ (first output file
   from youtube link shows above).
grep "id=\"video_title\"" test

   The output will be
<h1 id="video_title">xvidcap screen capture on mplayer</h1>

   2. You can extract the title from the grep string using cut.
grep "id=\"video_title\"" test | cut -d">" -f2 | cut -d"<" -f1

   Check out command [13]cut for usage examples.

   Enjoy your bash scripting :D
   Related Posts
   [14]wget, a powerful downloader
   If you think wget is only a command line downloader, you are wrong.
   wget is capable of doing a lots of download. Bellow ...

   [15]Performs a batch download using wget
   If I want to download all files in a directory of a website, i have to
   perform a long wget command, they is what I do at...

   [16]wget files based on the links in a file.
   Let say I store all my links into a file call url2dl.txt and separate
   each link by newline. I can do this wget -i url2d...

118 Responses to “how to wget flv from youtube”

    1. [17]University Update - YouTube - how to wget flv from youtube
       [18]August 1st, 2007 at 2:55 am
       […] Yahoo Contact the Webmaster Link to Article youtube how to wget
       flv from youtube » Posted at Linux By Examples – We explain every
       GNU/Linux command line by examples on Tuesday, July 31, 2007 To
       strip flv from youtube links, you have to complete two steps.
       Firstly extract the encrypted string from a youtube link, next
       append to get_video.php and download through wget. The youtube
       links, that people distribute around will looks … (first output
       file from youtube link shows above). grep “id=”video_title”” test
       The output View Original Article » […]
    2. [19]chfl4gs_ Says:
       [20]August 1st, 2007 at 1:23 pm
       Probably the easiest way to download youtube vid is using youtube
       downloader from [21]http://www.arrakis.es/~rggi3/youtube-dl with
       ffmpeg patch for avi conversion.
       # youtube-dl -a -o my.avi
       Anyway, nice tutorial on downloading flv with the use of scripting
    3. [23]mysurface Says:
       [24]August 1st, 2007 at 11:07 pm
       I tried that before, if my memory servers me right, it was written
       by python. That is cool.
    4. [25]DORAï¼ï¼¡.COM Says:
       [26]August 2nd, 2007 at 5:56 pm
    5. Script0r Says:
       [27]August 9th, 2007 at 5:48 pm
       Here is my version of the script:
       (it is a bash function that doesnt write temporary files)
       function ytdl {
       local yturl ythtml encurl flvtitle flvurl
       while [[ -n $1 ]]; do
       case $1 in
       “-r”) raw_name=true;;
       # for example [28]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6fnR–IDKc
       *) yturl=$1;;
       ythtml=$(wget -O – “$yturl” 2>/dev/null)
       encurl=$(echo “$ythtml” | grep -o -E ‘player2\.swf?[^\”]+’ |
       head -n 1 | sed ‘s/^player2\.swf?//g’)
       flvtitle=$(echo “$ythtml” | grep ‘id=\”video_title\”‘ |
       cut -d”>” -f2 | cut -d”\
    6. [29]Uros Says:
       [30]September 17th, 2007 at 8:03 pm
       Where is encrypted string here ?
       uros@SvarogBg:~$ grep “player2.swf” rusia
       var swfUrl = ‘/player2.swf?v=1’;
       v=1 ? Do I missed something ?
    7. [31]mysurface Says:
       [32]September 20th, 2007 at 12:46 am
       Due to the changes youtube have made, grep “player2.swf” no longer
       try grep “fullscreen”
grep "fullscreen" test -m1 | cut -d'?' -f2 | cut -d'"' -f1
    8. noname Says:
       [33]December 15th, 2007 at 6:27 pm
       Quick and dirty version. Names the file after the title of the
       video (minus spaces and special characters).
       RAW=`wget -O – $1 | grep ‘fullscreenUrl’ | sed ‘s/^.*video_id=//’`
       TITLE=`echo $RAW | sed ‘s/^.*title=//’ | sed ‘s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g’`
       ID=`echo $RAW |sed ‘s/&fs.*$//’`
       wget -O $TITLE.flv
    9. jj Says:
       [34]December 26th, 2007 at 8:10 am
       it seems youtube have changed it yet again!
       now the only fields in the get request should be
       ‘video_id’ and ‘t’ (‘sk’ and ‘l’ don’t seem to be used… )
       I’m not posting my code in the hope that fewer people do this and
       youtube takes longer to change it again…
       using a user-agent overrride in the wget calls may help avoid
       detection too.
   10. anonymous Says:
       [35]December 28th, 2007 at 8:21 pm
       So utube has again changed. This script is not working any more :-(
       what will be the changes or the modification required in the script
       then ?
       thanks for the nice script.
   11. [36]Tadas Says:
       [37]January 17th, 2008 at 7:35 am
       [38]http://www.FreeYoutubeGrabber.com is another online tool to
       download videos from Youtube. You enter the url of youtube video
       and press “Grab and download” button, then choose a directory where
       to save, and download the video :)
   12. [39]xinilux Says:
       [40]January 25th, 2008 at 7:02 pm
       Here is a Bash script which only uses bash and wget to download the
       youtube video.
   13. steveking Says:
       [42]June 10th, 2008 at 3:40 pm
       YouTubeRobot.com today announces YouTube Robot 2.0, a tool that
       enables you to download video from YouTube.com onto your PC,
       convert it to various formats to watch it when you are on the road
       on mobile devices like mobile phone, iPod, iPhone, Pocket PC, PSP,
       or Zune.
       YouTube Robot allows you to search for videos using keywords or
       browse video by category, author, channel, language, tags, etc.
       When you find something noteworthy, you can preview the video right
       in YouTube Robot and then download it onto the hard disk drive. The
       speed, at which you will be downloading, is very high: up to 5
       times faster than other software when you download a single file
       and up to 4 times faster when you download multiple files at a
       Manual download is not the only option with YouTube Robot. You may
       as well schedule the download and conversion tasks to be executed
       automatically, even when you are not around. Downloading is
       followed by conversion to the format of your choice and uploading
       videos to a mobile device (if needed). For example, you can plug in
       iPod, select the video, go to bed, and when you wake up next
       morning, your iPod will be ready to play new YouTube videos.
       Product page: ww w.youtuberobot.com
       Direct download link: ww w.youtuberobot.com/download/utuberobot.exe
       Company web-site: w ww.youtuberobot.com
   14. Lucas Says:
       [43]January 21st, 2009 at 2:10 am
       Your script (posted on comment #comment-24692) works perfectly.
       I would just add the -c parameter to wget, for unstable connections
       Thanks ;)
   15. [44]Jarek Says:
       [45]May 13th, 2009 at 9:21 pm
       Something for Pythonists [46]Howto Get Direct YouTube Video (FLV)
   16. Rakoo Says:
       [47]September 15th, 2009 at 10:26 pm
       Youtube videos are now loaded in /tmp
       Just wait for Flash to load it fully, and rename it =]
   17. foad Says:
       [48]January 31st, 2010 at 11:53 pm
       after runing “grep “fullscreen” test -m1 | cut -d’?’ -f2 | cut
       -d'”‘ -f1″
       I encounter the following in my Test file :
       –2010-01-31 18:55:21–
       Resolving [50]http://www.youtube.com...,,, …
       Connecting to [51]http://www.youtube.com||:80…
       HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 403 Forbidden
       2010-01-31 18:55:22 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
       what is the problem?
       ps:I use Tor software for bypassing filters in Iran.
   18. [52]Negi Says:
       [53]May 1st, 2010 at 1:41 pm
       any updates? thanks. [54]web development
   19. [55]shulato Says:
       [56]May 15th, 2010 at 1:23 pm
       i could download youtube videos using youtube-dl [57]web
       development philippines
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   21. Max Says:
       [60]September 13th, 2011 at 3:35 pm
       Doesn’t work anymore!!
   22. anonnn Says:
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       it doesn’t work anymore this method
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