[CBLX] linuxacessivel.org project

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A toutes fins utiles, ceci est un nouveau projet portugais d'Ubuntu 
accessible durant l'installation, preuve qu'il y a encore et toujours de la
demande et une forte attente de ce côté-là... quoi qu'on en pense / qu'on en
dise :

The linuxacessivel.org released a new website with support
channels, documentation pages and the main: With a disc image that
fits on a CD.

For who don't knows, the linuxacessivel.org is a customized version of
Ubuntu, focused for visually impaired people who speak portuguese.

The main goal of project is to add, correct and configure acessibility
resources for people with visual impairment can use Ubuntu since the
time of system startup, during installation and, especially, after
system being installed.

The linuxacessivel.org is distributed in the format of a Live CD that
contains all the applications you need – a web browser, aplications
for presentations, text editing, spreadsheet, instant messenger and
much more. Being that all these applications are already set to better
use through the Orca Screen Reader.

Check out all these new features on our site: http://www.linuxacessivel.org

Be welcome and spread our work.

-- []s
-- Zandre.

:: https://launchpad.net/~zandrebran
Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list


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