Re: [AD] Don't use Devpaks

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PS -- The mouse example is a perfectly good example, since if I leave off destroy_bitmap() as they did in their example, no crash will occur.
I've looked at many examples of mouse programming by Allegro users, and I have yet to see any that use show_mouse(NULL) before using destroy_bitmap(). This is the community's way of inadvertently giving feedback to the Allegro developers that the usage of show_mouse(NULL) before destroy_bitmap() doesn't make sense. No other toolkit does this type of thing, so the Allegro developers should eliminate it. So my question is, are the Allegro developers listening to their users?
On 5/10/2016 at 12:16 AM, Peter Hull <peterhull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 
On Tue, 10 May 2016 at 02:45 Andrew Robinson <arobinson18@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
That is correct. I overlooked that comment in the manual, and apparently, so did the author of the example Allegro Mouse code on the the website.
Note that the site you mentioned ( is not or 'the allegro website'.
I don't know who's site it is, but I am not very impressed with the mouse example.

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