[AD] Don't use Devpaks

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I re-read one of the Allegro Wikis I downloaded and saved to pdf, and it says DON'T USE Dev-Cpp version 5.
So I downloaded version It is a much nicer compiler than the newer version. Seems like everyone is making that stupid mistake nowadays. GTK went from GTK2 to GTK3 and ruined GTK. Microsoft went from Win7 to Win8/10 and now Windows is crap. Can't these people learn, that once you have a winning formula, don't throw away your winning formula and start over from scratch again?
Anyways, I went to Tools --> Check for Updates/Packages... and of course, it didn't work. To make a long story short, I created a file in Dev-Cpp/config, named it mirrors.cfg, and placed the following text in it:
[WebUpdate mirrors]
Dev-C++ Repository server=https://sourceforge.net/projects/dev-cpp/files/webupdate/webupdate/
Devpaks Repository server=http://devpaks.org/
Old Devpaks Repository server=http://old.devpaks.org/
One of these works but the other two do not. The reason the other two do not is because they are missing a file called webupdate.conf. You can download this file from https://sourceforge.net/projects/dev-cpp/files/webupdate/webupdate/ and edit it so that the two non-working websites can work with the Check for Updates/Packages... menu item in Dev-Cpp, but I have no idea who I should tell to make this correction. Can someone here do that for me?
When I manually installed the Allegro5 package, Dev-Cpp will only let me use that as a project if I select C++ for my language. That explains why Allegro5 wouldn't work with version 5 of the Dev-Cpp compiler, since I always select C for my language. It also means the package was incorrectly compiled, since Allegro is supposed to be a C library only (i.e. -- _CDECL). This also means version 5 of Dev-Cpp no longer supports Devpaks. Don't ever expect me to upgrade to that piece of junk then.
Then I manually installed the Allegro4.2.2 package and everything worked perfectly ... well except for when I close out the program. It has an msvcrt.dll error, which I don't understand, since I don't link anything to msvc, so I ran the program by itself and the error still occurs, so it is an Allegro problem. Here is my source code:
#include <allegro.h>
BITMAP *buffer;
int cursor_x = 20;
int cursor_y = 20;
void getMouseInfo() {
 if(mouse_b & 1) {
  cursor_x = mouse_x;
  cursor_y = mouse_y; }}
void updateScreen() {
 circlefill( buffer, cursor_x, cursor_y, 20, makecol( 0, 0, 255));
 draw_sprite( screen, buffer, 0, 0); }
int main()
 set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 640, 700, 0, 0);
 buffer = create_bitmap(640, 700);
 clear_to_color(buffer, 0x333333);
 while( !key[KEY_ESC]) {
  updateScreen(); }
 return 0;
Removing destroy_bitmap(buffer); does nothing to get rid of the error, so what's wrong? Does Allegro need a certain version of msvc to run on Windows? That would not be a good thing since it breaks cross-OS functionality.

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