Re: [AD] Triggers under Linux

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There are three axis joysticks that use twist as an axis.

Seems like Linux developers always mess up the small details, then make it
impossible to fix... In my opinion it's best to leave the axes as they are
reported by the driver if no sense can be made from them.

-----Original Message-----
From: Max Savenkov [mailto:max.savenkov@xxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: March 16, 2015 1:56 PM
To: alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [AD] Triggers under Linux

More bad news. xpad driver, which is used for all XInput devices, actually
does not confirm to Gamepad API specification I referred to before. Instead
of reporting triggers as ABS_HAT1X and ABS_HAT1Y, it reports them as ABS_Z
and ABS_RZ (Gamepad API offers no opinion as to what the f..k those values
are meant to be). There is also a patch to change that behaviour to
reporting ABS_BRAKE and ABS_THROTTLE, but it seems it wasn't applied. There
seem to be no complete agreement among drivers' authors on what's the right
course here. Some of them use ABS_HAT1X/HAT1Y, other ABS_Z/RZ. Can you
imagine any legitimate use of ABS_Z/RZ to denote anything else BUT a
trigger? If not, I guess the best way would be to add ABS_Z and ABS_RZ to
the list of single-axis sticks.

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