[AD] [alleg:bugs] #371 ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN leaves a small part undrawn |
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Someone needs to check this patch on a few WMs. Most importantly Unity, and anything else that's popular. If it works there it's fine... however there is a lot of differences between the window managers and "fixing" this on Mageia may break something else (it was tested on a few when the change you're fixing was made.)
Don't rely on no alt-tab within real fullscreen, that's a bug that I want to fix at some point.
[bugs:#371] ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN leaves a small part undrawn
Status: open
Group: 5.1
Created: Wed Nov 21, 2012 02:47 PM UTC by Jehan
Last Updated: Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:11 AM UTC
Owner: nobody
If I al_set_new_display_flags(ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN) then create a display, it has fullscreen features (on Linux, alt-tab does not switch to background windows for instance) but displays "nearly" fullscreen.
See attached screenshot, using released allegro 5.1.2, on a Mageia 2, Linux 64 bits.
Note that if I use ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW instead, it works well (all screen is black-ed), but I miss the other features of real fullscreen (no alt-tab, etc.).
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