Re: [AD] Triggers under Linux

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On Mar 17, 2015 9:24 AM, "Trent Gamblin" <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Seems like we're piggybacking more and more off SDL all the time. This is
> not to say it's a bad idea, just what hope do we have to keep our back ends
> current with no users. The SDL backend is a good idea, kind of, but I'm
> starting to want to just build a layer directly on top of SDL (just being
> honest...)

I think what Peter means is, we could just use SDLs joystick database that way - not using any SDL code. Then we don't double that effort, which also requires user input.

it has nothing to do with the experimental SDL port which should only be used for debugging the other backends (if SDL can do something then we should be able to as well).

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