Re: [AD] Allegro 4.4, Yosemite, and Quartz 2D |
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I should really go back and update my notes on porting a project from Allegro 4 to Allegro 5 into a tutorial. I thought about it earlier this year, but figured that it wouldn't be as useful now as it was a few years ago.
Anyway, on the topic of Allegro 4: rather than trying to keep the code as it is alive and working (especially on OS X - there's a reason we dropped Allegro 4 in favour of Allegro 5; people have tried to update it and given up before), I would suggest ripping out all platform-dependent drivers and write a new set that uses Allegro 5 as its backbone. I'm not saying this is necessarily easy (it is for some things, but not for others, eg direct access to video memory) or particularly efficient (there'll be a lot of redundancy when it comes to bitmaps) but it has a better chance of continuing to work in the long run.
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