Re: [AD] Allegro 4.4, Yosemite, and Quartz 2D

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Hi David,

do you already have a time frame in mind for that? My plan until now was
to push for an Allegro 4 release with resizing and get aseprite with
resizing uploaded before the Debian testing freeze on November 5. If you
change to another library soon, I don't have to worry about patching
Allegro, otherwise my plan would not change.


On 08/08/2014 07:10 PM, David Capello wrote:
> As I already have plans to migrated to another library
> (I've made a lot of refactors through these years to do
> that), I think that my best option now is to finish the
> migration, and say good bye to Allegro 4.
> Thanks anyway people
> - David
> On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 1:35 PM, <beoran@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I'm beating a dead horse here, but I'd say it's about time to migrate
>> your project to Allegro 5.
>> We're already somewhat shorthanded in maintaining and developing
>> Allegro 5. So we really lack the manpower lack to keep maintaining
>> Allegro 4.4, unless someone takes up the gauntlet and becomes the
>> maintainer of that branch.
>> Kind Regards,
>> B.
>> On 8/8/14, Peter Hull <peterhull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 4:46 PM, David Capello <davidcapello@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>> wrote:
>>>> It looks like Apple is removing QuickDraw framework in the next version
>>>> of Mac OS X, Yosemite.
>>>> Someone here know if there is a fork of Allegro 4.4 with Quartz 2D
>>>> instead of QuickDraw.
>>> None that I know.
>>> I remember being worried about the demise of QuickDraw back in
>>> 2006(ish) - can't believe it's hung on this long! At the time I did
>>> look into using OpenGL (glDrawPixels) but there was some reason why it
>>> wasn't feasible.
>>> Pete

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