Re: [AD] The huge Windows force feedback patch.

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If the patch has this many gotchas I won't be applying it. The entire rest of Allegro works perfectly with MinGW, there's no sense in IMO destroying that for haptics, so find.better ways to do these things.

---- beoran@xxxxxxxxx wrote ----

>OK, I pushed some more commits to the same pull request.
>What they do is
>1) fix ex_joystick_events
>2) Detect sal.h and include it only if found1.
>3) Detect wbemidl.h for use by the filtering snippet. If ound, enable
>the snippet, if not disable it. For various reasons, mingw can't
>compile the filtering stippet (I said it was horrible), but
>msys2/mingw64 can. That's why I was forced to conditionally compile it
>like this.
>4) Some various minor bugs.
>Kind Regards,

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