Re: [AD] The huge Windows force feedback patch.

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Including that <sal.h> makes it compile, but there are problems.

Ex_haptic2 shows only "XInput Joystick 0". If I switch my Logitech F710 to
DirectInput mode, no joystick shows up so I can't use haptics.

Ex_joystick_events doesn't work right in either DirectInput or XInput modes.
In DirectInput modes, the buttons I press aren't the ones lit up. In XInput
mode, often times one button will make 2 light up.

-----Original Message-----
From: beoran@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:beoran@xxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: August 9, 2014 1:24 PM
To: Allegro Development
Subject: Re: [AD] The huge Windows force feedback patch.

Also, another thing that could work is to put an #include <sal.h> before the
#include <xinput.h>

Apparently you do have to use the Allegro sal.h header under mingw because I
copy /Y C:\devel\a5_sourcepack\dxfixes\sal.h C:\MinGW\include\


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