Re: [AD] Android Dream State

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I can actually easily do everything I wanted without making any changes to
Allegro, and I think that would be best so I'm not going to change
anything for this.

For those that are curious I just listened for the dream stop and start
intents and stopped and restarted my sound/music (via JNI) from the
BroadcastReceiver callback.


On Fri, April 25, 2014 7:56 pm, Trent Gamblin wrote:
> I'm not certain what to do anymore. It is like a screensaver. Amazon wants
> apps to stop playing sound when the device goes into dream state. They
> didn't say anything about pausing like I figured it should (but didn't say
> not to either.) I'm still waiting for an update where dream state actually
> works and then I'll test if our switch out/in code works there. For some
> reason I picture it not working but I'll try it. If it turns out that we
> can't pause there then I'm thinking events would have to be added but
> that's annoying because we have so many related events. Hopefully we can
> just do exactly what doPause and doResume do when we get the dream
> intents.
> Trent
> On Fri, April 25, 2014 7:44 pm, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
>> Yeah, its more or less a screensaver of sorts. On my Nexus 7 (2012), it
>> pops
>> up when it's placed in the dock, and a fancy version of the clock pops
>> up
>> and
>> animates around. I assume you can place different things on it, but
>> thats
>> what
>> mine does currently.
>> I would think you could register your app to handle the dream state?
>> On Sat 26 Apr 2014 11:39:21 AM Peter Wang wrote:
>>> On Fri, 25 Apr 2014 11:48:29 -0600, "Trent Gamblin"
>>> <trent@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> > Android has a little-used feature called dream state (since 4.2) that
>>> is
>>> > like sleep but for devices connected to a power source. I'm thinking
>>> the
>>> > best thing to do is simply use the exact same switch in/switch out
>>> > behaviour we do for the pause state now. Comments?
>>> I couldn't find any info on it, but if it's like a screensaver then
>>> I imagine you're right.
>>> Peter
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