Re: [AD] Some more thoughts on the shader API

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On 03/03/2013 04:26 PM, SiegeLord wrote:
On 03/03/2013 04:22 PM, Jon Rafkind wrote:
On 03/03/2013 02:14 PM, SiegeLord wrote:
Also... if I'm changing this, any issues with the name of that function?
No confusion with it actually returning the shader source vs the shader
itself? I don't know how likely a newbie user using C would try to
assign the output of those functions directly to ALLEGRO_SHADER*...

At least to this point I can safely say that I need the source because I needed to explicitly give a #version to the vertex shader at least one time in my application. Apparently if the pixel shader uses #version 130 then so must the vertex shader. The only way to do this was to prepend the #version to the vertex source.

That just requires testing of the default shaders. I can't imagine we
can't find a way to get them to work everywhere as is.

By "as is" I meant without requiring the user to massage it to work.


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