Re: [AD] shader addon

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On 02/25/2013 08:27 AM, Elias Pschernig wrote:
I think in IRC we said that al_link_shader is superfluous as well.
al_attach_shader_* and al_use_shader should be enough.

The idea to remove al_link_shader would involve its functions being automatically ran when both the vertex shader and a pixel shader sources were attached... But I now think that that's is a bit too magical for my liking. Firstly... it is still not clear to me whether or not you always need both a vertex and a pixel shader for stuff to display. Secondly, there is a third type of shader, the geometry shader, which we might want to add one day... this one is definitely optional which complicates the auto-detection of a complete shader program. I think it's just clearer and simpler to keep al_link_shader as an explicit step.

We can even make the API a bit cleaner with it in place. Right now al_attach_shader and al_link_shader both can fail and both yield a build log. I think it'd be simpler for the user to have al_attach_shader always succeed and only invoke the platform specifics inside al_link_shader. The only caveat I can think of is that you lose some fine grained error handling (I don't think it's an issue as I can't think of these failures being recoverable in any meaningful sense) and that you get both the vertex and the pixel shader error logs in one string (we can annotate them in the OpenGL case in principle).

al_set_shader, however, probably can be subsumed into al_use_shader (as the TODO comment in the documentation already suggests anyway).

To be clear... the entire API would be this:

al_create_shader - Creates the shader

al_destroy_shader - Destroys the shader

al_attach_shader_source - Sets an internal variable to point to the source (maybe making a copy of it). Cannot fail.

al_attach_shader_source_file - Loads the source from a file. Can fail if the file doesn't exist, but succeeds otherwise.

al_link_shader - (maybe renamed to al_build_shader) does the necessary steps to compile and link the OpenGL program/D3D effect. Produces a build log upon failure

al_get_shader_log - (maybe renamed to al_get_shader_build_log) does the same thing as now

al_use_shader - does the same thing as now, but also grabs the locations of the uniforms that Allegro core/primitives addon uses

al_set_shader_* - set the various uniforms. Do the same thing as now


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