Re: [AD] Inclusion of alfont in the Allegro 4 repository and releases

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Am 04.12.2012 12:04, schrieb Peter Wang:
> On Tue, 04 Dec 2012 10:22:00 +0100, Tobias Hansen <thansen@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 12/04/2012 02:48 AM, Peter Wang wrote:
>>> On Mon, 03 Dec 2012 22:27:02 +0100, Tobias Hansen<thansen@xxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> alfont is still used by many Allegro 4 projects. Unfortunately the
>>>> homepage with the most recent version is offline since quite some time
>>>> (see mirror [1]). There have been at least four different homepages for
>>>> alfont over the years. Some new patches are floating around, but there
>>>> is no place to collect them. What do you think about including it in the
>>>> Allegro 4 repository and releasing it with Allegro 4? It's the obvious
>>>> place to look for it and that way noone would have to prepare releases
>>>> just for alfont. Also, I think about packaging it for Debian and would
>>>> prefer if there were a place to collect patches.
>>>> I'm CCing some people who have worked on alfont.
>>> Sorry, alfont code is really ugly and poorly packaged (bundled 3rd party
>>> libraries).  I wouldn't want to be responsible for maintaining it in the
>>> Allegro repository.
>>> Peter
>> It's not necessary to include the bundled libraries. I could prepare the 
>> commits in a clone of your repository if that would help.
> I suggest you (alfont stakeholders) start a new project, on a hosting
> site where it won't disappear again.  With Debian backing it as
> upstream, I'm sure maintenance efforts will gravitate there without
> official support from Allegro developers.
> Peter

Maybe if it's too bad for Allegro, it's also too bad for Debian. Anyway,
what you suggest can still be done if something that needs it is about
to be uploaded.

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