Re: [AD] 5.1 refactoring

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On Wed, 5 Dec 2012 00:04:55 +1100
Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> In case someone would be offended, or, more likely, if it would
> conflict with someone's changes, here's some warning.  I put up a
> branch (5.1-refactoring-experiment) where I split up some files into
> more focused pieces.

I only glanced at the changes on the web interface, but it all looks
like good ideas to me.

> I likely won't be able to transfer all the changes to the proper 5.1
> branch because they would be too hard to backport to 5.0.  So some
> changes will have to wait until 5.2.0+ is out and 5.0.x releases stop.

I hope 5.2.0 isn't too far off then.

> Possibly I have too much time on my hands.

Too much time is what you get by avoiding IRC :)

Btw., according to the channel bot, you left #allegro-dev last time in
early 2011 with the quit message "see you next year". You don't have
much time left to make that true...

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