Re: [AD] Loading non-unicode TTF fonts |
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On 31 Aug 2012, at 16:41 , Michał Cichoń wrote:
> Yes, we can. I just don't feel this is our responsibility.
If there is a perfectly valid file out there that Allegro should load but doesn't, how is that not our responsibility to fix?
> If you're about to apply this patch I will insist on warning message.
I'm not about to apply anything, someone else will have to do that or it'll have to wait until I get round to setting up my local Allegro sandbox to use git.
Apart from that, what type of "warning message" do you mean? There is a note in the patch I included, but that could be clearer/more verbose. Do you mean a message printed to the Allegro log file? A message printed to the terminal? The latter doesn't sound like a great idea to me.
Or the patch could be a bit better in checking whether the encoding it sets makes some sort of sense, for instance an encoding where the standard ANSI range is defined but nothing else.