Re: [AD] ex_menu crash in Windows |
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On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 5:07 AM, Elias Pschernig
<elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> We probably could even draw our own menus, hooking into the input code
> and into al_flip_display. Since that would be somewhat hackish a
> better idea would be to slightly adapt the AP for itI, but anyway,
> this would then go into the territory of an actual GUI addon...
The native dialog should be restricted to things that are outside the
context of what goes on in a display's back buffer. I don't see any
reason to try to emulate native menus or add support for any type of
On the flip side, an Allegro GUI add-on might hook into the native
dialogs to display menus if available.
> Somewhat related, I think it would be nice having an ex_gtk and an
> ex_qt example, showing how to make Allegro draw into an OpenGL widget
> of either (and re-route gtk/qt input back to Allegro).
Is it easily possible to do something like this?
al_set_new_display_option(ALLEGRO_GTK, 2, ALLEGRO_REQUIRE);
If not, what about something like this in the native dialog addon?
al_create_gtk2_display(w, h);
Matthew Leverton