Re: [AD] ex_menu crash in Windows |
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On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 10:44 AM, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Is there a way to do it using some other tool kit (I'm thinking of Athena, but I'm hoping there's something else out there that will work; it'd be a start though)?
> I grant you it's weird to depend on another GUI toolkit if we're already using GTK for the other "native" dialogs, but conceivably we'd support other toolkits for those too.
We probably could even draw our own menus, hooking into the input code
and into al_flip_display. Since that would be somewhat hackish a
better idea would be to slightly adapt the AP for itI, but anyway,
this would then go into the territory of an actual GUI addon...
Somewhat related, I think it would be nice having an ex_gtk and an
ex_qt example, showing how to make Allegro draw into an OpenGL widget
of either (and re-route gtk/qt input back to Allegro). That would then
at least provide an alternate way to have proper native integration
(of course not as cross-platform as the native dialogs addon any