Re: [AD] 5.0.4

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On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 9:21 AM, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>    - Current ogg/vorbis/vorbisfile MSVC sln files produce libraries prefixed
>    with "lib" (i.e. libogg.lib + libogg.dll)
>    - I tried modifying the CMake files to account for the actual library
>    name, but it didn't help.
>       - CMake (v2.8.5) is trying to be smart and taking off that "lib"
>       prefix before searching for libraries?
>       - Generates/builds, but acodec addon is disabled

Does it work if you edit the find_library lines in

Those are precisely the lines I tried modifying. I tried adding "libogg libogg_static", moving them in front of the original arguments, and even removing the original "ogg ogg_static" arguments. (All three sets of find_library calls, of course)

>    - Removing "lib" prefix from files enables the acodec addon, but then
>    there are runtime errors because the DLL's are not found.
>       - DLL's are expected to have file names with  "lib" prefix

The DLL names are baked into the import libraries so that's why renaming
didn't work.

Yes, un-renaming the files back to the original names after satisfying CMake was the first work-around I successfully tried , but that is even more counter-intuitive than renaming the files in the first place.

> Finally, I tweaked the CMake files so the d3dx9 libraries are auto-detected
> and only searched for once.

Is this much of a problem?

I actually falsely assumed I was getting video card acceleration because d3d9 was detected even though d3dx9 was not detected (Perhaps I was getting some, but not all possible acceleration?) Ignoring that reason, it's just a nice convenience, especially when you are re-running CMake as often I was. Also, my tweak prefers the latest version of d3d9 instead of the older one that comes by default on Windows 7/Visual Studio 2010. Finally, while debugging the CMakefile.txt I was confused why the d3dx9 library was detected twice, in two different files/variables. 

I've been swamped with work, so I haven't been able to confirm on the 5.0 branch. I attached a patch with my changes. It also includes some fixes that allows the skater demo to compile/work on Windows 7 + MSVS 2010. I think some of the CMake if conditions can be collapsed even further, and the vorbis m.lib part  has to be made conditional based on MSVC/GCC, but it's a good start.


Attachment: msvc_fix_cmake_and_skater.patch
Description: Binary data

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