Re: [AD] Dynamic DirectSound loading

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On 2010-08-18, at 3:19 PM, Michał Cichoń wrote:
> OK. I'm trying to follow. Are those rules written somewhere? I will checkout Wiki, maybe there.
> Tailing spaces should not be very big deal, but who knows.

I was not actually talking about trailing whitespace, but things like this:

    if (win_display->window) {
-      SendMessage(win_display->window, _al_win_msg_suicide, 0, 0);
-      while (!win_display->thread_ended)
-         al_rest(0.001);
-   }
+   SendMessage(win_display->window, _al_win_msg_suicide, 0, 0);
+   while (!win_display->thread_ended)
+      al_rest(0.001);

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