Re: [AD] blending regression

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On 5 Mar 2010, at 19:51 , Elias Pschernig wrote:
> We should still try to hide that from the user I think. Use an
> ALLEGRO_COLOR throughout user visible structs, then convert before
> passing to DX - it just will make things less confusing. And it should
> make no difference performance wise - instead of having the user do the
> (seemingly pointless) conversion before passing colors on to Allegro
> functions, have them pass on ALLEGRO_COLOR and do the conversion
> afterwards.

Except in the case where all vertices have the same colour, so the user only does the conversion once and Allegro would do it mutiple times anyway because it doesn't know it only needs to do it once.
Still, I'd like to see how much of an overhead that really is (first of all), and if it's actually bad, hide that information in the ALLEGRO_COLOUR struct instead.
So I agree that, if we can, we should avoid this.


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