Re: [AD] mouse movement

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On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 8:10 PM, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 31 Mar 2010, at 13:53 , Milan Mimica wrote:
> I didn't know that. So you have to do that if you want a portable game? Aren't
> users going to take continious mouse movement feature we provide on Windows for
> granted, and not care about other platforms?

Then maybe we should not have that on Windows either.
One of the major annoyances with Allegro 4 (as a developer), at least for me, was the way it tried to force things like continuous mouse movement on all platforms, whether they could support that natively or not.
Either we need to tell users that they have to check if the feature is available (in which case we need a mechanism for that) or simply force them to write portable code by not providing the feature in the first place and shwoing them how to do it in a portable way instead.

Yes, it's why we have ex_mouse_warp. And for X11 the feature works perfectly (not a single pixel of mouse movement gets lost when warping... very much unlike A4). I wouldn't object to having mouse movement behave the same in Windows (report always only the amount of pixels the *mouse cursor* was moved for movement).

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