Re: [AD] mouse movement

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I think the only correct way would be to scale the mouse position. Basically:

- If the fullscreen mode is the same dimension as the desktop, the mouse should behave *exactly the same* pixel by pixel.

- If the resolution is different and the mouse moves across the screen from pixel 0 to 1920 when moving it by 3cm on my desktop (in 1.5 seconds), then it should also move across the screen when doing the same movement in a 960x600 mode.

Just because I change to a fullscreen mode I don't want to move the mouse twice as fast as that would mean I will miss every single button and the game will appear completely broken.

If there's cases where the raw values are actually of interest I think we should provide them separately. If in Windows the raw values is all we have then I'd say our mouse support is quite broken there no matter what.

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 5:41 PM, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 30 Mar 2010, at 10:08 , Milan Mimica wrote:
> Can other platforms get such raw input. Sub-pixel precision sounds great.

Not so easily done on OS X. Certainly beyond what I can do and have time for.
That said, I have no problems with the current behaviour on OS X.

I only know the X11 behavior for fullscreen-window, which is just the same as for normal window.

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