Re: [AD] OpenGL unlock fix and discussion

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On Wed, February 17, 2010 3:09 pm, Elias Pschernig said:
> 1. An easy solution would be to put the current transformation into TLS,
> just like blending.
> 2. Another solution would be to always require an active display for all
> drawing operations. It would be conceptually cleanest (and we would have
> a lot less TLS state since blending and target bitmap would fall away),
> but I think we decided against it in the past as it would require to
> always create a display before using any graphics operations. (We could
> just provide a function which creates a dummy display, so it would not
> be that hard to do.)
> 3. A third solution would be to leave things like they are, that is
> require an active display for using transformations and deferred
> drawing, but allow other graphics operations and things like clipping or
> blending without a display. It wouldn't be very well designed though so
> I don't think we want it.

Out of those choices the only one that sounds any good is #1.


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