Re: [AD] Touchpad gestures

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> In the iphone port we use the mouse button field for it, but yes, that wouldn't work out for devices which have multi-touch *and* buttons. (On the iphone Apple's finger tracking isn't very reliable anyway so it's best to ignore the finger number and just figure out the gestures from the reported positions.)

Doesn't it give you events based on the gesture it detected?

> Also, what about devices which have pressure sensitivity? I think that's about as common/useful as gestures, so we might as well report it.

Sure. Would adding a "float pressure" field to the event struct do the trick?

> A more important field might be a mouse number. I assume if you have a touch screen or touch pad but also have a mouse plugged in some OSes might report what devices an input is from. I can see in Gimp that it has support for all kinds of input devices to use at the same time but with different stuff assigned to each - so at least in X11 it must be possible somehow.

Makes sense. I haven't checked what OS X reports if I plug in a mouse in addition to the trackpad, but I'll do that.
By the way, something I'd like to figure out is how to detect a "right click" on a MacBook (the aluminium ones). The trackpad can distinguish between "left" and "right" clicks (the entire trackpad is one big button, so you can't say that it has two buttons), or at least some programs can. It's not being picked up as a right click by Allegro's event system though (obviously the Cocoa event says "button 1" in either case or it'd Just Work already). I was hoping this was easy to detect, but maybe not.


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