Re: [AD] Current SVN OS X issues

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On 2010-01-27, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 27 Jan 2010, at 17:43 , Peter Hull wrote:
> > I ran clang again, results are here
> >
> WOW.
> I ran the static analyser through make (rather than xcodebuild) and for me it only found 64 potential bugs. I'll have to make my way through your list.
> Most of those it found for me are actually very innocuous, just some variebles being assigned values that are never used. They should probably cleared up because they clutter the code but they don't actually hurt.
> However, there are, I think, a couple that are clearly bugs.
> For instance, there is stuff like
> 757	bool_Bool al_save_bmp_stream(ALLEGRO_FILE *f, ALLEGRO_BITMAP *bmp)
> 758	{
> 759	int bfSize;
> 760	int biSizeImage;
> 761	int depth;
> 762	int bpp;
> 763	int filler;
> 764	int i, j;
> 765	int w, h;
> 767	ASSERT(f);
> 768	ASSERT(bmp);
> 769	
> 770	w = al_get_bitmap_width(bmp);
> 771	h = al_get_bitmap_height(bmp);
> 772	
> 773	depth = al_get_pixel_format_bits(al_get_bitmap_format(bmp));
> Value stored to 'depth' is never read
> 774	bpp = 24;
> 775	filler = 3 - ((w * (bpp / 8) - 1) & 3);
> where it looks as though line 773 should read bpp = al_get_pixel_format_bits() and line 774 shouldn't be there at all.

No, the main part of the routine only knows how to write 24-bit .BMP
files.  All the leftover code concerning 8-bit .BMPs should be deleted
and a comment added.  The source bitmap format is irrelevant as we call
al_get_pixel (slow?) so line 773 should be deleted, too.

> I'm also not sure how this is supposed to work:
> 560	static ALLEGRO_PATH *fs_stdio_get_current_directory(void)
> 561	{
> 562	char tmpdir[PATH_MAX1024];
> 563	char *cwd = getcwd(tmpdir, PATH_MAX1024);
> 564	size_t len;
> 565	if (!cwd) {
> 566	al_set_errno(errno(*__error()));
> 567	return NULL((void*)0);
> 568	}
> 569	len = strlen(cwd);
> Value stored to 'len' is never read
> 570	
> 571	return al_create_path_for_directory(tmpdir);
> 572	}
> since it seems to me that the value of cwd is never actually used so
> trying to read the current directory through Allegro's path API should
> return garbage, can someone verify this?

The code is okay.  On success, the path will be stored in tmpdir(==cwd).
It would be clearer if line 571 used cwd.


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