Re: [AD] SVN: alleg:[12071] allegro/branches/4.9

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On 15 Apr 2009, at 12:32 , Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
I'm just wondering why its done now all of a sudden, instead of back when I
was asking for input?

Probably because now is when people have the time to look into it.
That's a reason to get stuff in SVN and not wait (too long) on other people's opinion before commiting.

All these changed that aren't even being discussed.

There has been a tendency to commit (large) changes without posting/ discussing them, at least on the mailing list. It's annoyed me a few times as well (especially when said change broke the OS X port and I had no clue how to fix it at first because the change hadn't been discussed/posted before). I've also seen "changed X as discussed on IRC" once or twice as a log message, which is bad. Still, on the whole, things seem to run more or less ok and it probably makes the development cycle a bit faster.


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