Re: [AD] option to allow SSE instructions

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Peter Wang wrote:
On 2009-03-16, AJ <aj@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Does this mean we can use  InterlockedXX()s also ?
They'd make things like the threading easier to manage, and reduce that hideous critical section locking (all for a read/write to bool ... talk about overhead!!!)

Which critical section are you thinking of?




I presume this function gets called in a while loop, the user waiting for its state to change.
too tight a loop, and it'll chew cpu.
that is why things like the  cpu  pause instruction was invented.

You can use InterlockedXX if it makes sense (at least some atomic ops
were already possible on late 486s).  Generally I think it's not
worthwhile; it's much harder to get right than using mutexes/critical

when the only thing your protecting is a single var, the overhead of critical sections is overkill.

when there are multiple vars, critical sections are easier to 'get right'.

however, this code is simply protecting a bool state flag.

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