[AD] Will be Allegro 4.4 released some day?

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I know you're busy working on the next 4.9/5.0 release but I want to
know if somebody is working (or planned to work in the future) on the
4.3/4.4 version.

I ask it because, as you know, I'm working on the Pascal bindings for
Allegro, I had lot of problems linking the 4.2 version on Linux but I
finally success with the 4.3 one. Also I'm not comfortable with some
of the new API (anyway you're doing a great job) as I discussed here
and at Allegro.cc, and AFAIK I'm the only one in the World who used
Allegro.pas so I think I'll use the 4.x version for a long time. I
read somewhere that a 4.4 release will be done some day but it seems
that it's abandoned. I think it's a good idea to release it anyway
because it fixes some bugs from the 4.2 and adds some new stuff as PNG

Thanks for read,
Guillermo "Ñuño" Martínez

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