Re: [AD] ex_multisample

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On Wed, 2009-02-11 at 19:15 +0100, Milan Mimica wrote:
> Elias Pschernig wrote:
> > 
> > I see, I'll look at the WGL code and try to make the GLX driver convert
> > into the same format. Also, will glXGetFBConfigs have any advantage over
> > XGetVisualInfo? Since GLX 1.2 seems still in use for some reason, maybe
> > it makes sense to only use that, if they are equivalent anyway.
> XGetVisualInfo is deprecated. It may not support some new options, but the only 
> option I know that it doesn't support is the float-format color buffer thingy 
> (GLX_RGBA_FLOAT_BIT). Also I don't think you can get an OpenGL3.0 context 
> without a FBConfig and I would definitely like OGL3 to be an option.

Ah, ok, we should continue supporting both then. Maybe try to figure out
which Linux distributions still use 1.2 and once they upgrade we can
remove the old version.

I also have a half-finished patch to add an
ALLEGRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_FFFF with a 32-bit floating point number for
each color component, so that FLOAT think sounds interesting if it is
something similar. We really should simplify the way pixel formats work
btw. Maybe make the conversion from each format into each other on a
case-by-case decision, i.e. have optimized versions where it makes
sense. But when adding a new format, just require conversion to/from
some standard format. But well, going offtopic now with this...

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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