Re: [AD] ex_multisample |
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Elias Pschernig wrote:
Anyway, I guess we should copy the visual selection of AllegroGL. The problem is that it is very complex, using a scoring system I never understood - but without it, the require/suggested doesn't make sense of course, right now you can only require multisample, not suggest it. Adding it to the TODO on the wiki and filing a feature request on SF for now.
Once I was working on it in WGL but got frustrated because I could not do it properly, so I've deleted all the code I made :P Wasted a day.
I'm also afraid that AllegroGL way is the only way. Need to list all the visuals, using either XGetVisualInfo() or glXGetFBConfigs() on X11, or DescribePixelFormat() or GetPixelFormatAttribivARB() on Windows, decode the visual into driver independent format (WGL driver does everything mentioned so far), and let scorer give score to each visual. I can do this for Windows.
-- Milan Mimica
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