Re: [AD] native filechooser addon

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On Sunday 22 February 2009, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> Ahhhhh...
> I was browsing through Allegro's documentation (online, make docs does
> a bunch of stuff but it doesn't end up anywhere I can find it) and it
> occured to me that we might be able to an ALLEGRO_FS_ENTRY to return a
> filename or a "virtual" directory consisting of the file list we just
> selected.
> I'll have a quick look at how that would work.

A list of files would certainly work. A virtual folder would probably take 
more doing, but I don't think it won't work if you override the right vtable 

I wonder if the missing al_find* functions could help in some way? I haven't 
gotten around to implementing them.

> Evert
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Thomas Fjellstrom

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