Re: [AD] ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_OPTIONS documentation |
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Elias Pschernig wrote:
Milan changed al_set_new_display_format in tls.c to always keep them in sync. So you can use either I think, they should be the same - but best to ask Milan.
Morover, once all the drivers accept the new options we should remove new_display_format from TLS as ALLEGRO_EXTRA_DISPLAY_SETTINGS has all the info.
Myself, I think we should remove al_set_new_display_format, and remove the redundant flags from al_set_new_display_flags. See the parallel thread called "ex_multisample".
For al_set_new_display_format, I can agree. Everyone says it would be a hassle to type 10 lines of code just to set the desired display format, but that's the point. You are not supposed to set it, almost never.
The only flag the collides is ALLEGRO_SINGLEBUFFER, isn't it? And that flags is broken in several ways.
-- Milan Mimica
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