Re: [AD] OS X full screen resize (was Re: Allegro 5 TODOs (from wiki))

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Ok, nailed it!
Well, the crashing bit anyway.

The problem has to do with destroyDisplay, which does the actual job of transfering the bitmaps from one display to another. However, this function is called as

[ALDisplayHelper performSelectorOnMainThread: @selector(destroyDisplay:)
      withObject: [NSValue valueWithPointer:dpy]
      waitUntilDone: YES];

which means it can (does?) run on another thread (by the way, I don't fully understand the way the full screen OS X code works; it runs its own event loop and is subtly different from the windowed mode in many ways in a way that isn't always clear - this needs to be commented/ documented better). Now there's many more code in there that does something similar, but there is an important difference: none of that code does drawing operations, whereas this code does. So if I get this right (someone please correct me if I'm wrong), it's trying to do drawing operations using a context that's current in another thread - which isn't permitted.

Anyway, long story short, if I move the code that transfers the bitmaps to another display (or converts them to memory bitmaps) is called before destroyDisplay is called (there's no real reason it has to be in there anyway), the crash is avoided and ex_fs_resize() works correctly - when using video bitmaps. There's still the weird problem with memory bitmaps.

I'll clean up the code and commit the fix for this problem, hopefully tonight but it might be tomorrow.


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