Re: [AD] Fullscreen questions

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On 30-Aug-08, at 2:24 PM, Peter Hull wrote:
What I'm planning is:
You can create as many fullscreen displays as there are screens
Windowed displays will go onto a screen that isn't captured for
fullscreen use, if possible.
You can override this with the api functions
A display won't stop being fullscreen until it's destroyed (i.e. if
you set_current_display to a different one)

Came across this by coincidence while looking for something else.
Currently, I don't think the full screen status of a display is taken into account when a new window is created. Surely though, that should only be done if the user doesn't explicitly select which monitor to place the next window on? (Admittedly, it's a bit silly to deliberately create a window on a screen that is taken up by a fullscreen display already).


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