Re: [AD] Renaming of functions in kcm_audio addon

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On 26 Nov 2008, at 08:08, Peter Wang wrote:
We should probably rename al_current_time() and al_key_down()
as well.

Maybe it should be al_is_channel_configured() instead?

Doing a quick grep:
It looks like (modulo module prefixes) al_is_* is more popular.

On the other hand, if (al_channel_is_configured()) actually reads as English. :P
Then again, so does al_is_channel_configured()?: ;)

Either way, it's easy to rename stuff (I hacked up a Perl script to do it); just tell me what to rename to what (I'll do them in separate commits though). (Aside: al_is_compatible_bitmap() is different from the other examples you posted in that it omits the hing that is being compared; it would logically be al_bitmap_is_compatible_bitmap(), similar to al_is_compatible_font()). It's probably a good idea to have someone from the outside look through the list of function names to pick out inconsistencies in the naming scheme.

    al_event_queue_is_empty -> al_is_event_queue_empty
    al_timer_is_started	    -> al_is_timer_started
    al_key_down		    -> al_is_key_down
    al_current_time	    -> al_get_time

Seems fine to me. If we want to be verbose about it, it could be al_get_current_time(), but I'm not sure that's needed (what other time would we get? Tea time? Dinner time?)

I would be fine with exempting all al_get_...() functions from the
verb-requirement and leave out the _get  - but we shouldn't have the
_get in some and not in others. Either
al_bitmap_width()/al_channel_count()/al_key_down() etc. for
everything, or al_get_...() for everything.


Which doesn't tell us which it should be though. ;)
To borrow an example from the kcm_audio plugin:
al_get_stream_long -> al_stream_long to me seems a bit weird. It's not obvious to me at first glance what al_stream_long() would do, as al_bitmap_width() does (then again, I'm not that fond of the _get_<object>_<type> API to begin with). So on that example if we want consistent naming, I think it should be al_get_*.


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