Re: [AD] Allegro 5 TODOs (from wiki)

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Milan Mimica wrote:

Is it clear why this isn't working properly? (I haven't tried, but
the code seems to be commented out).

Bitmaps are automatically converted to memory bitmaps when the display
is destroyed and there isn't a function to convert a memory bitmap to
display bitmap (keeping the pointer), simply because it requires a
realloc(). That's the only problem.

OK, I've added _al_convert_to_display_bitmap() which is a bit hacky and only works for bitmaps previously converted to memory bitmaps by _al_convert_to_memory_bitmap, because it uses the size of the original bitmap... I've deployed this solution in WGL and it seems to work fine. D3D seems to work fine already, but it may be because it keeps using memory bitmaps after resize, I don't know...

And there are many bugs spawning in ex_multiwin. I've found two just by little testing:
* In D3D, crash on display close if one of the displays has been resized before.
* In WGL, the other window is blanked after the mysha one is closed.
Needs some investigation.

Milan Mimica

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