Re: [AD] Audio addon API / Re: Renaming of functions in kcm_audio addon

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2008/11/27 Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Just my two cents, but most games want to do two things: play sound
> effects and play music. With your change, playing sound effects is
> easy. But what about music? I'm using fmod in my game right now
> because when I started there was no audio addon for A5. It makes it
> as simple as al_stream_audio(char *filename) with some functions
> to stop, change volume, etc. I'm not really up to speed with kcm_audio
> but it would be nice to have something simple like that in A5.

There is the streaming API. Demo game uses it to play the music. It's
complicity is at the level of the rest of the API.

Milan Mimica

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