[AD] Audio addon API / Re: Renaming of functions in kcm_audio addon

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On 26-Nov-08, at 8:55 PM, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
Ugh, I hope not. The good thing about allegro 5 is all of the cruft can be

Yeah, but someone designed the API from scratch the way it is, he must have had a reason to do it the way he did. It does look like a bit more hassle, though some clever regexps should be able to do it.

That doesn't really solve the major issue with the audio API at the moment though: it's too damn complicated if you just want to load and play a sample.

I guess it's possible to have Allegro allocate a default mixer and a default voice that it can manage behind your back if you ask it to. I'm also reasonably sure we can provide a function that combines al_load_sample() and al_set_sample_data() (aside: al_load_sample() is misleading and should be called al_load_sample_data()).

How about the following:

1. Rename al_load_sample -> al_load_sample_data()
2. Provide ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *al_load_sample(char * filename), which combines al_create_sample(), al_load_sample_data() and al_set_sample_data() 3. If al_play_sample() is called on a sample that has not been attached to a mixer, Allegro attaches it to the default mixer. If the default mixer hasn't been created yet, it is created (along with the default voice). These latter two should maybe use thread local storage.

This has the advantage of making the "simple common case" simple and easy while leaving complete freedom to the advanced user who wants more control over voices and mixers. Thoughts? There is one caveat: al_destroy_sample() should also destroy the datastream attached it if it is created by al_load_sample() proposed above; maybe this can be kept track of by an (internal) flag? I have to admit I'm not sure I like the extra level of interconnectedness that implies.


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