Re: [AD] Audio plugin function names |
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On Sunday 05 October 2008, Chris Robinson wrote:
> On Sunday 05 October 2008 11:29:40 am Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> > libsndfile sucks donkey balls. Its just barely got a hidden api to
> > support streaming stuff through a custom io layer (like fshooks), but its
> > not documented, so either I (or someone) writes the code to hook the two
> > together or we switch to libaudiofile which has a seemingly nicer virtio
> > interface.
> I don't see what's so bad about libsndfile (other than the lack of common
> formats beyond (AD)PCM and FLAC.. like Vorbis, AC3, AAC, etc). The virtio
> interface is as generic as can be (read function, write function, tell
> function, seek function, length function..).
I already said whats so bad about it, it has no real virtio interface, I asked
the developer about it and he said he added some /hack/ with a dumb example
allowing that sort of thing, but its not part of the libs external supported
> libaudiofile (<>?) doesn't seem to
> have any of its own documentation online. It just links to SGI's for "a
> good overview" of the API, nor does it have a list of what formats it
> supports.
I just has a better virtio interface, and supports a few less wav and
compressed formats (not that we need it to support compressed formats).
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Thomas Fjellstrom