Re: [AD] Audio plugin function names |
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On Sunday 05 October 2008 11:29:40 am Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> libsndfile sucks donkey balls. Its just barely got a hidden api to support
> streaming stuff through a custom io layer (like fshooks), but its not
> documented, so either I (or someone) writes the code to hook the two
> together or we switch to libaudiofile which has a seemingly nicer virtio
> interface.
I don't see what's so bad about libsndfile (other than the lack of common
formats beyond (AD)PCM and FLAC.. like Vorbis, AC3, AAC, etc). The virtio
interface is as generic as can be (read function, write function, tell
function, seek function, length function..).
libaudiofile (<>?) doesn't seem to have
any of its own documentation online. It just links to SGI's for "a good
overview" of the API, nor does it have a list of what formats it supports.