Re: [AD] al_font_textprintf() and uvszprintf()

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On Wednesday 29 October 2008, Peter Wang wrote:
> On 2008-10-29, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On Wednesday 29 October 2008, Peter Wang wrote:
> > > So if the current encoding is not a superset of the filesystem
> > > encoding, it just doesn't work?
> >
> > No, it gets converted, so it works.
> How can you do that if the file name is not representable in the current
> encoding... ?
> Unless you're thinking ahead and assumed that support for non-unicode
> encodings has been excised.

Hmm. Its a possibility...

> > > However: what are the file names we get back from Mac OS X, say if we
> > > are scanning a directory with readdir()?  Will they come back in NFD,
> > > and will that trip up users?
> (the answer to this is: yes, they do come back in NFD)
> > I hope not. How do allegro's unicode conversions behave?
> IIRC Allegro's routines don't handle decomposed characters at all.

It has to somehow "just work". I'm not sure how we can make it "just work". Do 
we provide our own ALLEGRO_STRING type now? and al_string_to_latin1, 
al_string_to_utf8, etc?

> Peter
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Thomas Fjellstrom

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