Re: [AD] al_font_textprintf() and uvszprintf()

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On 2008-10-29, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 October 2008, Peter Wang wrote:
> >
> > So if the current encoding is not a superset of the filesystem encoding,
> > it just doesn't work?
> No, it gets converted, so it works.

How can you do that if the file name is not representable in the current
encoding... ?

Unless you're thinking ahead and assumed that support for non-unicode
encodings has been excised.

> > However: what are the file names we get back from Mac OS X, say if we
> > are scanning a directory with readdir()?  Will they come back in NFD,
> > and will that trip up users?

(the answer to this is: yes, they do come back in NFD)

> I hope not. How do allegro's unicode conversions behave?

IIRC Allegro's routines don't handle decomposed characters at all.


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